Saturday, March 27, 2010

Largest Phone Bill Ever

Small and Large Predators

(ANSA) - MILANO, 27 MAR - An envelope containing threats to Prime Minister Berlusconi and other leaders of the PDL and 'was delivered to Linate (Milan). The police stated that the envelope of those packed and which also contained a bullet, and 'was discovered yesterday in the center mechanized post. 'Will you make the end of the mouse', was written under the name of the Prime Minister, who was also the recipient of the letter, addressed to Villa San Martino in Arcore .
Chi avrà inviato tale lettera al nostro più “lodato” connazionale? I tirapiedi del lodato (che non è espressione di compiacimento) diranno che sono stati gli anarchici. I sinistri diranno che è una sua messinscena.
Da parte mia penso sia stato un cretino.
Come si può accomunare il “lodato” a una creatura indifesa e delicata qual è il topo? Qualsiasi massaia riesce da sola a scacciare da casa il piccolo predatore.
Il Grande Predatore, invece, hanno provato a cacciarlo in tanti, senza ancora riuscirci.
Lasciate in pace le piccole creature, che al massimo vi rubano una manciata di granaglie e un mezz’etto of cheese. Not accomunatele who plunders much more: it is an offense besides injustice.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thank You Business Phrases

The order consists

If you rebel because you do not like the established order
Are you a social destabilization.
If you go against a system made of lies, non-he-says, silence, eyes, ears, mouths closed risks moral lynching.
If you want fairness you are a dreamer, a born loser.

You amalgamated, adapt, and be silent.

So a country can prosper and become great by starting small.
To the detriment of many, in favor of a few.

If you do as they say, how they want,
if you leave things as they are,
If we let the smell of carrion envelop you in its "security"
you can hope for a slice of cake.

Oh well, thanks a lot, but I started to diet.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Systemsprotect Phone Number

Satisfaction Frigates

In the picture, you can see how you use the refrigerator at my house since January 18, 2009.
's been 3 months (write TRE) and the Whirlpool no sign.
This is the reliability of the guarantee: satisfied or your money back. Contract for the refrigerator is not repairable and still under warranty, must be replaced, but so does everyone ... In Italy the rules on a personal basis to start from Arcore Silvio San dall'illustrissimo knight.
With so illustrious an example, you want that Whirlpool does not do the same?
The guarantee is again drawn with a variation: satisfied or ripped off.


Just for the record. On April 23, 2010 has finally arrived refrigerator replacement. Other comments I prefer to avoid them.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Implantation Bleeding

I know you know I know ... or not?

There are people who think they are clever, or think that others are the fools. They are usually the opposite of the real fools, because with their behavior and generate antipathy lies in the relationships with others. Their best friends, in fact, are sharpers like them, used to fool people, and are rubbing each other, in an unstable relationship of love - hate.

Years ago I happened to meet an acquaintance with a large stock of Buston return from shopping, and the name printed on the envelopes, had satisfied the shop cheaper in the city. At the time I had done some reconnaissance in the store, but the products on sale were too cheesy and bad, though they cost very little: the right price for their value.
The girl was a friend of the family often encounter. And I noticed what clothes she wore. Stylish, well made, with refined details.
I noticed and noted.
She meanwhile continued to buy, fashioning the same envelope, to dwell on to describe how little spending of that shop, how much you could do good business ...
I cared little for what they did, after all his business ...
The hassle
I was judged to be so dumb ...
began to avoid it: if she did not trust me, any discussion becomes a useless waste of time. The friendly relations should be based on mutual trust, sincerity, or better to close. No one is stupid, and nobody likes being taken for stupid.
Later I met the boyfriend who told me that he had broken the engagement, much to his regret that he still loved her very much. But he discovered that, along with some friends, she was a "hostess" (today we say "escort"), and could not, could not own, to share his choice. What he had to offer was a modest life but dignitosa, ma a lei piaceva il lusso, i capi firmati, la dolce vita; insomma una questione di scelte personali. Dopotutto, o nasci ricco, o fai un lavoro ben remunerato, o fai l’escort; molte possibilità non ci sono e coi gratta e vinci rischi di perdere troppo.

Per finire. La sincerità è sempre premiata. Oggi neanche il medico può nascondere al paziente il suo stato, la classica bugia a fin di bene. Nessuno è del tutto fesso e la verità, purtroppo o per fortuna, vien sempre a galla. Per tutti, nessuno escluso.

Io intanto mi cospargo il capo di cenere…. ( azz…. che fregatura fregarsi da sé: chi non l’ha mai detta a lie, believing it to alleviate the situation?? ....)