Sunday, March 6, 2011

Community Hours Letter


Si è molto discusso in questi anni della riduzione della spesa pubblica e del danno che questa scelta di politica economica ha prodotto per gli enti locali i cui compiti e   functions were reduced to a purely business failed to meet the objectives set by the Constitution states. And 'the prevailing belief that good governance is that when accountancy unable to make ends meet regardless of the outcome. Generally, the route taken was to reduce the running costs, save investment and development projects, heal old debts and, last but not least, precarious and privatize services with all that that entailed in terms of reduction in quality of service and deregulation of labor. Doing so, however, the new post of mayor-manager could easily be replaced by an efficient bureaucrat (Commissioner).
ADMINISTRATION OF DREAMS I'm happy to request the submission of Policy objectives FREE OF CHARGE.
1) design projected to gain extraordinary resources made available by the EEC and national laws (and incentives to support productive initiatives, vocational training, recovery and urban renewal, pacts etc.).
2) un impegno ad allargare , per particolari servizi onerosi, le aree di competenza attraverso forme dinamiche di associazione tra Enti locali;
3)      un'azione tesa ad eliminare spese non sufficientemente giustificate (consulenze esterne, progettazioni per opere pubbliche con finanziamenti incerti ecc.);
4)      una gestione economica del patrimonio disponibile (terriero e immobiliare);
5) a campaign to recover tax evasion, such as ICI, income tax, IRAP and other municipal taxes or fees, particularly where these can be found from reliable sources, mainly due to the ICI it is established the non-use and update cadastral income.

season review of municipal statutes allows us, taking advantage of the spaces provided by articles 3 and 4 of the Law nr.142 of 90 June, to redefine the basic steps on which to articulate a real PAPER SOCIAL RIGHTS which may represent the beginning of a real reform of the Statute material of Commons identifying appropriate standards and benchmarks in terms of quality and quantity of Welfare services, the environment that you want and you must ensure territory due to make the most general and natural right to life.
  1. counter the savage assault of the brick placing the issue of regulating the urban development (to be anchored to population growth of resident population);
  2. survey and penalize the vacancy;
  3. without fail limit new construction projects and infrastructure to be tied to availability of space needed and a proper exercise of associated life. They be designed with ecological criteria, energy savings and in such a way as to provide wastewater treatment systems and must take into account in an integrated form (urban design, intended use, advertising, services, infrastructure) for the various interdependencies balanced relationship between activity in residential, commercial e culturali;
  4. sfruttare il plus valore dei terreni comunali a vantaggio della collettività per creare spazi verdi e le condizioni per una nuova socievolezza urbana;
  5. fornire una risposta al  fabbisogno abitativo, privilegiando il recupero del patrimonio immobiliare fatiscente e/o abbandonato con l’approvazione di piani urbanistici particolareggiati finalizzati al riutilizzo e alla valorizzazione;
  6. ristrutturare gli immobili a valenza storica e non, per conservare attività economiche e stabilizzare nuclei familiari, coinvolgendo anche l’edilizia residenziale pubblica.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe former tobacco factory could be in part used:
A) the creation of structures that can accommodate all types of events, exhibitions, meetings, meetings, conferences, concerts, book presentations etc.etc., In the heart the historic center of Naples, within walking distance of San Gregorio Armeno, in the former Asylum Filangieri, hosting structure del prossimo Festival delle Culture del 2013, ha sede il Centro Culturale la “Città del Sole”, luogo di propagazione ed aggregazione , ovvero sia un luogo dove la cultura sia realmente fruibile per la cittadinanza.
B)     all’istituzione di un POLIAMBULATORIO dedicato alla popolazione in stato di bisogno e agli immigrati che faccia fronte alla progressiva chiusura dell’Ospedale Melorio e garantisca assistenza sanitaria gratuita, considerata un diritto inalienabile del tutto indipendente dal possesso di un documento d’identità. Il progetto potrebbe avvalersi dell’esperienza fatta sul campo dal   Poliambulatorio di Emergency a Palermo, realizzato con la collaborazione   dell'Azienda unità sanitaria locale (che ha ristrutturato e messo a disposizione i locali per la conduzione delle attività) e gestito da personale medico, paramedico e amministrativo che opera a titolo volontario e gratuito.
Punto di incontro e di riferimento per buona parte della popolazione, che in essi, non solo vede la possibilità di acquisto della mercanzia,   ma anche il collegamento with a remote past, where, as these places, beautiful colors, smells and voices, were the ideal combination of tradition and innovation.
Too many wholesale brokers and old structures. The objective of the local markets is to reduce the intermediaries and the steps to reach from producer to consumer.
To ensure the successful participation of citizens in decision-making, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have sought to ensure, with special provisions, greater legitimacy, efficiency and accountability of local governments and against national of individuals.
In many municipalities in Italy have been taken, state servants, but then making them actually live on a daily basis, a series of innovations that today can not even be defined as such and that could, perhaps, the first true self-reform draft Institutional:
-INFORMATION OFFICE (Set up by some local authorities) with which the citizen can go for advice on the procedures or documents to be submitted for the granting of a benefit, the exercise of a right.
-TRANSPARENCY - Full implementation of the Law .- 241 - through la pubblicazione   sul sito Web del Comune   di S. Maria C.V.,   in modo da renderli accessibili a tutti entro un tempo ragionevole di tre giorni dalla loro approvazione , di:
·        delibere di Giunta e Consiglio e determine (tutte in formato integrale) divise per anno e argomento - bilancio annuale e pluriennale, relazione revisionale e programmatica, investment plan, executive management plan and financial programming document;
· lists : a) of the suppliers of the City - b) consulting - c) of the properties of the local and intended use - d) of the tasks entrusted to external (study , projects, assignments and conditions, fixed-term contracts ....)
· to ) name - b) essential data budget - c) the names of the Directors of Administration of each company controlled by the municipality; . "
-Code of Conduct to which the municipal staff has to adapt in the face of requests made by citizens.
-OFFICE OF CITIZEN RIGHTS to receive and formalize the protests of citizens against any abuse committed by the Public Administration that is the traditional time-consuming procedures, negligence, the loss of documentation, etc..
-VIEW OF FRACTIONS-body with advisory powers, freely elected, that could assist the City Council assisted in decisions regarding the choices made for small fractions of the City (St. Andrew-S.Erasmo-Thurs. Paolo I ) -
REFERENDUM - Adoption of the implementing regulation for the Referendum Institute of the provisions of art. 33 of the Statute of the city.
Other municipalities have made it mandatory in all proceedings for the adoption of administrative measures interest, prior consultation of interested parties that takes place through the sending of documented request for suggestions or opinions, or by means of public meetings with those who might be affected in their rights or legitimate interests in an administrative measure (associations -unions or organizations that, by law or by statute, operating on the representation or defense of the interests of groups of citizens).
commitment of the City - in order to protect the health of individuals and communities and improve the participation of the same choices in the field of waste disposal - to submit to a referendum Advisory binding , art, 33 of the Statute citizen:
1) staying or not the municipality, the STIR has become a dumping ground to sky open to waste from Naples
2) the adoption of any administrative decision on the location, the city area, of any waste discharge and or industrial process in combustion, incineration of municipal solid waste (including dissociators molecolari e   ossigenatori di scarti)” .

Aumentare la raccolta differenziata e ridurre la quantità dei rifiuti da conferire in discarica.
1.       Distribuzione, ai grandi condimini della città , in comodato gratuito, delle compostiere domestiche. La compostiera è un contenitore di 320 litri di colore verde scuro dove è possibile gettare rifiuti organici e biodegradabili : foglie, erba, cenere, fondi di caffè, filtri di tè, gusci di uova o di noci. Dentro la compostiera, in the presence of oxygen and microorganisms, the differences are turned into compost, which is a good fertilizer to use for plants and flowers, all cluttering up little space and without release of odors.
2. Requiring the use of lightweight and recyclable bags for the sale of over the counter and for fruit and vegetables, is currently packing up cumbersome and unnecessary pound trays.
3. Force for many health and hygiene products, packaging minimized, already on the market, or the "unpacking" of the product at the cash.
4. Arrange for durable goods, the withdrawal of the packaging to delivery. The businesses and their suppliers will have to activate, with the assistance of their associations and chambers of commerce, channel packages are sent directly recovered by treatment facilities or bottling, without burdening the household waste collection (is the "logistics return ").
5. Encourage the use of returnable containers (as in many European countries) for all liquid foods (including mineral water, of which there is an immoderate consumption in Italy for the inability of the aqueducts).
6. discourage disposable products with additional taxes ad hoc (an advance on waste disposal costs) or subsidizing the use of reusable alternatives.
Gerardo D'Amore

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pokemon Emerald Easy Shinies

Natural Park Skip Quirra

Come leggo su l' Unione Sarda , finalmente la regione ha deciso di vederci chiaro, a Quirra. Hanno preso la delicatissima e importantissima decisione di controllare se le voci di corridoio sulle armi all’uranio fossero vere. Naturalmente s’è messa in moto la macchina diplomatica: telefonate di cortesia, moduli da riempire, autorizzazioni, timbri, e un adeguato battage mediatico per far sapere a tutti quanto ai nostri politici interessi la salute dei cittadini.
Finché il manipolo di investigatori, cercando cercando e trovando qua e là sparpagliati nel territorio, solo proiettili missili e bombe, han messo le mani su alcune cassette contenenti materiali chimici.
Dalle prime analisi pare che non contenessero depleted uranium, but other chemicals "are not harmful to the territory."

reading the story, for me that I am skeptical, I am beginning to make two points. The first, that if there was something to find fault, it was enough to make it disappear overnight and take it beyond the sea. The second
. Possible that depleted uranium is a rumor, a rumor. But there are other chemicals more or less known, equally harmful. A polygon Quirra joint such as is used not only by the Italian army, but also from other countries. That are used bullets, missiles, bombs, chemical materials of various kinds as seen by senior military not dangerous. Someone wants a landfill these materials "not dangerous" close to home? A heap of scrap metal, asbestos and depleted uranium, etc etc ... Maybe that these materials do not deplete the soil? Maybe you can use as fertilizer ?!?!?
A link already posted long ago, the site of the Senate: Mission in Sardinia.

If they said, opening the first box, he came up in spring by a clown "Marameo" I would not be at all surprised.