Saturday, January 3, 2009

Paddle Boat For Sale Maryland

Obama liberalizing

Il presidente eletto degli Stati Uniti, Barack Obama, porterà la rinascita delle libertà in America? Bé, a giudicare dalle sue promesse (o minacce) di "green deal" e piani quinquennali, proprio no. Ma c'è almeno un punto su cui il nuovo inquilino della Casa Bianca potrebbe, quantomeno simbolicamente, ingranare una doverosa retromarcia: il fumo. Obama, che nelle sue abitudini personali è senza dubbio un "salutista", è anche un fumatore moderato ma convinto, da tre eight cigarettes a day. Will be able to live with the obscurantist rule that bans smoking in all public areas of the White House, including the Oval Office? As I wrote in the nineteenth century yesterday, is to be hoped not. Also because the rule, intended by the Hillary Clinton who, as first lady, had to be compared with many other cigars, it's really stupid and uncivilized, as well as unnecessary. It 's just the culmination of a moralistic crusade, so who is higher up to give the alleged good example. If Obama is able to break this circle prohibitionist in the U.S. will bring a "change" really important. It would be a great gift to leaders of the International Cohalition Against Prohibition, a group of civil liberties organizations have organized a great event in Brussels on 27-28 January at the European Parliament, to say no to the new prohibition. This is an important event that would be useful to participate, to send a message to those who, from Brussels and the capitals of the Member States of the EU, decided to worry about our business. The message is simple: let your affairs.


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