Monday, November 2, 2009


Poor Bonanni!

Raffaele Bonanni, secretary general of the CISL, which much has been applied in the work of division of the union and that claims to have heard some ministers among the privileged of the Republic, sometimes remembers being a union leader and try to tell the government of being angry (but just a little bit ...) for its policies.

The latest episode of "escalation of the CISL union" dates back to Saturday, October 31, when thousands took to the streets with some of the employees of the school to say - just think '- that school is knees, missing teachers, which does not give perspective to the precarious ...

And what does the government, in this case the minister Gelmini? Appreciates the contribution of Bonanni moderate its policy of dismantling of public schools, showing gratitude for the good work of the CISL (and UIL) to break the trade union unity in the dispute for the renewal of the contract?

None of this: the suave minister defines the union (from CISL) an annoying box on the way of his education policy and calls for "the CISL and generally more moderate unions a great deal of modernization of the school and for the good of the country "...

Poor Bonanni, a lot of work only to be insulted and ridiculed.

But at this point, we wonder: Raffaellone not agree to resign and return to the national union to do the full-time commitment to seriously discuss and decide how to defend the CGIL of the best Italian male and female workers?

even if it cost him the end of such good friends ...


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