Friday, November 6, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Renew License In Tx

A good deal ... We talk and talk BACK prison

last, inevitable book by Bruno Vespa Silvio Berlusconi discovers the rehabilitative purposes of punishment.

"One must take marital status (...) freedom to those who have been convicted of a crime, but can not take away his dignity and even a threat to his health. " "And then the prison must always have the aim to re-educate the person"

We are pleased that does not cultivate the intention to amend also Article 27 of the Constitution.

We would be even happier if he had not only the recipe as a project to build new prisons, drawing from the case of fines, the aims of which were specially reviewed and corrected by legislative action.

Born to finance the projects of rehabilitation of prisoners, now the case of fines is used for prison construction.

is an independent legal entity by the Department of the penitentiary, but the art. 44a of Act 14 of 2009 gives the powers of the Special Commissioner in relation to building prisons, the same head of the Department.

The stated objective is to find 20,000 new seats, which would then still not 20,000, because Meanwhile the Prime Minister talks to divest some prisons now operational, which would become sites of hotels and supermarkets, and in the meantime no one explains why before proceeding to the construction of new facilities does not make it usable in some institutions was abandoned.

Anyway, the new posts would not be sufficient, given the proliferation of laws that cause excessive carcerizzazione, poor filling of the nation's prisons, and given the low use of these alternative measures also have previously guaranteed living in prisons and reducing recidivism

Vista la nuova sensibilità dimostrata alla finalità rieducativa della pena, il Presidente del Consiglio dovrebbe spiegarci perché il suo governo ha proceduto a tagliare selvaggiamente i fondi destinati alle attività trattamentali, perché si è praticamente estinto il monte ore destinato al servizio psicologico, perché si deve ricorrere all’aiuto del volontariato e dei

territori più sensibili per fornire generi di prima necessità: carta igienica, saponi, dentifrici, assorbenti, indumenti di ricambio per tanti detenuti, stranieri e non, che non possono contare sul sostegno delle famiglie.

Never before in recent times we have witnessed a series of inconsistent and uneven that show the inability or unwillingness to address the real problems of the prison, which houses some people of high social danger, but also is crowded by a multitude of drug addicts, foreigners, homeless people with mental and psychiatric carriers.

People held for short-term imprisonment, returning early in the external circuit of exclusion, people to whom a civil society is obliged to respond in some way to stop using test the prison as a revolving door.

Instead, far from investing in jail as a service of legality, as a place to run an offense that, long before the prime minister, our Constitution referred to as rehabilitation , we proceeded gradually to an inexorable depletion of all types of resources.

Prison is lacking all too dramatically and operators, who often share with the prisoners of poverty, poor facilities, services, social consideration.

It overcomes and survives thanks to the spirit of initiative, good will, to the professionalism of many workers who have chosen to side with the law, and trying to make a decent public service, because that is be the prison, not the easy answer to anxieties and drifts securtarie executioner, nor a lack of rights.

these days is intensified attention on the conditions of prisons, especially after the deaths of Stephen and Diana Blefari Cucchi, so different and yet so desperate.

Ben is the focus, we welcome photos shock and the testimonies that give body and face with a reality that for much of the public is still seen as the only answer to the need for security, but is also made up of people and suffering.

But most of all by those who profess sensitivity to certain issues, we expect a rigorous effort to prevent the exploitation and the pursuit of easy sensationalism to which we are accustomed too (how many times we regretted the fact that a robbery during a permit face a lot more news of the prize much more numerous positivi esiti delle misure alternative!).

Nella rassegna stampa di Ristretti Orizzonti del 4 novembre l’articolo di Giacomo Russo Spena “Giustizia: quegli orrori dimenticati, dietro le mura delle carceri” si mettono insieme tristi circostanziati eventi, quali le vicende legate al G8 di Genova, al carcere san Sebastiano, e analoghi ampiamente documentati e accertati, con la denuncia di sistematici pestaggi e abusi nel carcere di Torino effettuata da un medico dopo l’interruzione del rapporto di lavoro. Non viene precisato che rispetto a tale denuncia la Procura di Torino ha chiesto l’archiviazione

Perhaps there is still enough to think that some wounds can sometimes unfairly affect an entire community, not just the victims and the perpetrators of the alleged violations, but the entire prison staff, associations, unions , all that part of society that is daily contact with the jail and from what did not quite guarded and protected.

course we must keep up our guard, knowing that everywhere, in every system there may be loose cannon and men unworthy of representing the State, and that the conditions are not always for the timely action of the complaint.

But we must at the same time avoid generalizations that do not improve understanding of reality, creating a climate of widespread distrust of many unfairly penalizing people who are struggling to give some dignity to his work and a way to 'existence of the prison

That, remember, is a sanction for civil society to give in response to the breakdown of a social pact, the pact that we are all required to rebuild, inside and outside prison.

Anna Donata Greco Coordinamento Ammin. Penitenziaria CGIL F.P. Piemonte

Roberto Galasso Segreteria Regionale CGIL F.P. Piemonte


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