Ricevo e volentieri pubblico l'intervento di Giuseppe Messina, Agronomist and researcher for university level "Legambiente (http://www.messinagiuseppe.it/), held yesterday at the Medical Association of Caserta in the conference, organized dall'Isde, Doctors for the Environment, President Gaetano Rivezzi on "HEALTH CARE AT THE HEART OF THE COMMUNITY 'LOCAL environmental management."
- The World Health Organization in 2006 has amply demonstrated the high probability between the presence of waste and soft tissue tumors in relation to which the precautionary principle be adopted in the territorial choices seems quite obvious;
- The United Nations in 2007 has put the Campania and more particularly the province of Caserta desertification among the thrust areas to recover and return the land to be recovered to agricultural soils as much organic matter as possible. It 's interesting to note that although it is believed the recovery of all the organic waste, it could satisfy just 7.8%, a hypothesis needs to know about raising the level of just 1% in 20 years;
- The last ISTAT survey tells us that in the province of Caserta and Naples, life expectancy is 2.5 years less than the national average;
- The Uttaro was and still is an environmental disaster as they established, as well as the decisive acts of the judiciary, a report by the Commission Parliamentary Inquiry into the cycle of waste and illegal activities connected with it, in the last legislature and confirmed in February by the same assessor Ganapini regional environment;
- The ARPAC said environmental disaster for the Royal Lagni already in ' April;
- Same ARPAC confirmed for the tenth time the ban on swimming of the coast except the small stretch Domitian Cellole-Sessa Aurunca the province and, incredibly, is proposing a so-called "anti-pollution plan" consists of grids to block the macrorofiuti arriving at the mouth of the royal Lagni and a subsea pipeline "that discharge at least nine kilometers from the coast, i liquami depurati, tale da consentire al mare la depurazione degli inquinamenti biologici”. Così Zinzi sui giornali di oggi e sulla cui vicenda ci riserviamo di richiedere ulteriori chiarimenti;
- L’occupazione registra un calo (- 4746 ULU) e l’export casertano segna un crollo, nel primo trimestre di quest’anno del 39% (17% nell’arco di un anno, mentre crescono le regioni meridionali). La filiera agro alimentare e la mozzarella di bufala in particolare, presenta un’impennata delle vendite del 92,71% in un biennio e + 88,87% nel 2010; e nonostante questi risultati e la fertilità dei suoli Caserta non appare neanche agli ultimi posti tra i territori produttivi di eccellenza.
Ed inoltre sul piano ambientale registriamo ancora:
Per i rifiuti
• 4 centri di raccolta materiali;
• 3 discariche di cui 1 attiva (quella di Maruzzella);
• 1 inceneritore a Marcianise;
• 1 stabilimento di tritovagliatura e imballaggio rifiuti (ex cdr);
• 2 siti di stoccaggio rifiuti tal quale;
• 1 impianto di compostaggio ancora in costruzione sempre a Santa Maria La Fossa.
E ancora:
- 4 impianti di compostaggio sequestrati e chiusi;
- 39 discariche di cui 36 siti pubblici;
- 815 siti di abbandono incontrollato di rifiuti;
- 347 impianti per attività produttive;
- 3 impianti per trattamento rifiuti industriali;
- 2 cement plants in full and obsolete urban areas (and Maddaloni Caserta) in front of the building and university teaching hospital, 550 patients;
- 458 slots (present in 75 municipalities out of 104) the highest concentration of limestone quarries in the world, including :
• 376 abandoned or closed
• 46 • 36 Abusive
In this context of real environmental disaster, economic, financial and moral support where we need immediately: •
a careful comparison of the A. and all the Provincial parts of society Caserta from that of industrial and professional organizations to end up with environmental organizations;
• a provincial plan for cycle of material recovery from the real situation of plant equipment and machinery, but existing within a framework of strategic material recovery and not their destruction through landfills or incinerators and respect of agricultural land through the creation of a pole where to allocate the supply chain;
• maintenance of the area (from Volturno) that provide security and employment •
an industrial chain for the recovery of the material and at least before their conversion;
• the recovery of the wet fraction from rural to seriously address the issue of desertification that nobody talks about;
• a serious plan for the reclamation of area at least since the illegal dumping and misuse of The Uttara is the requirement for municipalities (22 out of 104) to connect with the sewer treatment plants and sewers which, at present, spilled, however, through the Royal Lagni great acts such as the commissioner but using local resources to meet this legal requirement;
• Tarsu to block any increase until it will be clarified and defined the actual needs of staff in Gisec into account the fact that the average figure national professional staffing is an operator as per 1000 inhabitants in the province of Caserta far exceed 300% of those needs. You can not download on the user an unfortunate patronage management of resources by policy makers who have proved unworthy, incapable and unfit to role;
• the transition from Tarsu Tax Act which required a minimum and to introduce real elements of fairness in paying the tax due in Urban hygiene.
Ganapini And while others try and unequivocally that the current allocation of machinery, plant and equipment in the province of Caserta in the treatment of waste and recoverable materials is over 140% of requirements the President and his associates pose as Zinzi first task in the environment, the implementation of the incinerator in which the same Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhad declared the uselessness e anche l’impossibilità di realizzarlo vista la carenza di finanziamenti possibili.
In questo quadro c’è da chiedersi come mai non si parte dalle risorse che abbiamo? Qual è il senso di certe scelte.
Il presidente Zinzi, infatti, pone come prima proposta, incredibilmente, la realizzazione dell’inceneritore.
E allora, la domanda che mi pongo è la seguente:
“Queste persone e per evitare equivoci mi riferisco a Casentino, Zinzi e Arena chi rappresentano esattamente vista:
1) quanto provato circa l’attuale dotazione di impianti, macchinari e attrezzature per avviare un accettabile ciclo del recupero dei materiali;
2) la situazione appena illustrata e visto che il Vassallo sull'inceneritore sorry, instrumentally moved from Battersea to Santa Maria La Fossa to defend the production of buffalo mozzarella (only 9%) compared with 80% in the province of Caserta area declared by the EU PDO said and Judiciary ample evidence about the position of Cosentino, "Sergio Da Bears I had a confirmation of this reconstruction. In fact, he told me that the mayor of Santa Maria La Fossa, Abbate, while in public, contrasted with the population of the incinerator project in Santa Maria La Fossa, on the other adhered, or otherwise subject, the necessities imposed by the clan that Schiavone supported the project. And I got a confirmation from stesso Cosentino». Infatti Vassallo, dopo aver raccontato di un suo incontro proprio con l´onorevole, avvenuto in una sua abitazione di Casal di Principe, spiega: «Cosentino mi spiegò, vista la mia palese delusione, quali erano le vere ragioni della mia esclusione dal consorzio (...). Mi spiegò che ormai gli interessi economici del clan dei Casalesi si erano focalizzati, per l´attività in questione, nell´area controllata dagli Schiavone (in particolare, Cicciariello aveva potere su tutto il territorio di S. Maria La Fossa) e che, pertanto, il gruppo Bidognetti era stato «fatto fuori» in tale area; ne derivava la mia estromissione. In poche parole, Cosentino mi disse che si era adeguato alle scelte fatte «a upstream from the Casalesi clan had decided that the incinerator should have been made in that municipality, and that the deal was one of the Consortium Ce4/ECo Schiavone's affairs. He therefore had to follow that line and benefit only the group Schiavone in the management of the deal. "
3) Since, then, that Nicola Cosentino is under investigation for collusion with the Camorra for over a year with requests for arrest by the junta refused permission to proceed to the Chamber of Deputies?
I repeat the question: "The incinerator Zinzi who wants to achieve in this province is in this area? And if it helps those who need it? I believe that now is the time when everyone must tell from which side they are. Already many have chosen.
Caserta, June 15, 2010
Giuseppe Messina
Photo: Joseph Messina
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