Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Plaid Enterprisesmsds
comments to the contents of the document the provincial ecology prof. Arena
http://www.terzomillennio.caserta.it/ ambiente/170-osservazioni-ai-contenuti-del-documento-dellassessore-provinciale-allecologia-prof-arena.html
http://www.terzomillennio.caserta.it/ ambiente/170-osservazioni-ai-contenuti-del-documento-dellassessore-provinciale-allecologia-prof-arena.html
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Need Manual For 1996 Dutchmen Tent Trailer
Response to previous post
I wonder if the report really liked, anonymity Sassari. Was it a joke? Boh! But I take this opportunity. To say that in addition to ants, I think there's something to be dealt with in Italy. They are the only ones, along with spiders and grasshoppers, are worthy of note, giving a minimum of satisfaction. What else? What else remains to be said?
that Italy is for a fall? But we already know all, without exception, and nobody gives a shit. The money of the taxpayers that were intended for roads, schools, hospitals, transport, energy, water, etc etc, appear and disappear as the color of litmus test, to reappear in the pockets of politicians and their friends, but nobody gives a shit . There are countless politicians, of whatever affiliation, deputies or senators, investigated, extorted them and their relatives and friends, but nobody gives a shit. The important thing is that Belen and Corona, and Clooney or some other whore friends with powerful rejoice our days with their carousels.
burns again Sardinia, in Cagliari, Sassari, Olbia, unstoppable. To hear many, is good for the earth ... .. With this being said, someone cares sapere che non è così? L’importante è tenere la gente, il popolo, nell’ignoranza. A quei pochi che vorrebbero salvaguardarla, bruciano l’auto, o la campagna, consapevoli dell’impunità.
Se l’impunità ce l’hanno tutti i nostri politici, arraffoni spudorati come mai nella storia, vuoi che non l’abbia un incendiario, un benefattore della terra?
Le ingiustizie della nostra epoca non si contano più e diventa difficile parlarne senza tralasciarne qualcuna, tutte importanti, ma di cui non frega niente a nessuno.
Si vivacchia, si tira avanti. Si fa un reportage su qualcosa di leggero, innocente, perché la gente non ne vuol sentire di liti tra Soru e Cappellacci, could not care less!
The important thing is to wear the uniform of wool in summer sarda!
This is what people want.
better appearance, the form rather than substance.
What a disappointment this Sardinia, which is celebrating April 28, expulsion of Piedmont and Savoy to the title of streets and squares. What a disappointment, an island which could be great resources by tourism, or burn to see it as an alternative to strive for a chemical pollutant. What a disappointment, to feel the Sardinians speak with affection and trust Berlusconi, after his faithful friends have taken away many millions of resources and continue to do, so we are all fools.
What a disappointment the CGIL, the only union still on the side of workers, which to my requests, legitimate, sacrosanct, is a deaf ear. Why, incidentally, the managers of public and private companies (especially the schools) are all on the left, convinced communist, complete with a party card, the most zealous activists.
But how much are classist?
What a disappointment to realize that you are a card number, a resource, but you're no good. Make number, need to get a quorum to approve things that do not concern you! And while you're there, trying to figure out who I am and where I (what am I doing here), plays a lot of big words and useless intellectuals. Who am I doing this to waste any more time to listen to shit? I do not care anything about the news of fruitless meetings to decide how many regional secretaries, three, eight, one .... And while they will meet to decide on this bloody and extremely important for union democracy, listening even more. For example, in the new contract not yet in force, it asks teachers to record attendance, like any other worker, and some institutions have already arisen, prepare appeals and legal loopholes. Never be a teacher from falling and punch! Freedom of teaching!
And that has to do with freedom of teaching? Did you hear those records the presence slave? Timbrare un cartellino quattro volte al mese è chiedere troppo? Ma qui si scivola facilmente nella guerra tra poveri, un altro tranello berlusconiano.
Facendo i conti, a me verranno sessanta euro di aumento, lordi, il che equivale a uno stipendio minore di mille euro mensili; meno di quanto hanno tagliato agli onorevoli: mille euro al mese. Che, immagino, saranno presto coperti da rimborsi e quant’altro. Tanto siam tutti fessi. Ma dopotutto che può pretendere una bidella? Non fa nulla tutto il giorno, seduta su una sedia a osservare chi va e chi viene, chi fa cosa e chi dice cosa. Ah… tutti al di sopra d’ogni sospetto, corretti e ligi al dovere. Offrono pure il caffè, per dimostrare che sono in torto quando ciancio of classism. But is not the coffee that interests me. As the great speeches on security, on the obligations and duties. On the money spent because we are all safe. All of them? If my place is as unsafe to be there .... how many times I hit my head on that wall .... The copier in the nose .... The current noise ... .. Not to mention that thing hanging over my head ... Maybe someday I'll finish this size to break the Maronites. Meanwhile
Sardinia burn .... Sicily, Calabria, South ... All the burns. Where there is more poverty and, no offense, where there is more ignorance, which goes hand in hand.
We hope that the fire ants, those savings, the only, ultimately, worthy of attention.
that Italy is for a fall? But we already know all, without exception, and nobody gives a shit. The money of the taxpayers that were intended for roads, schools, hospitals, transport, energy, water, etc etc, appear and disappear as the color of litmus test, to reappear in the pockets of politicians and their friends, but nobody gives a shit . There are countless politicians, of whatever affiliation, deputies or senators, investigated, extorted them and their relatives and friends, but nobody gives a shit. The important thing is that Belen and Corona, and Clooney or some other whore friends with powerful rejoice our days with their carousels.
burns again Sardinia, in Cagliari, Sassari, Olbia, unstoppable. To hear many, is good for the earth ... .. With this being said, someone cares sapere che non è così? L’importante è tenere la gente, il popolo, nell’ignoranza. A quei pochi che vorrebbero salvaguardarla, bruciano l’auto, o la campagna, consapevoli dell’impunità.
Se l’impunità ce l’hanno tutti i nostri politici, arraffoni spudorati come mai nella storia, vuoi che non l’abbia un incendiario, un benefattore della terra?
Le ingiustizie della nostra epoca non si contano più e diventa difficile parlarne senza tralasciarne qualcuna, tutte importanti, ma di cui non frega niente a nessuno.
Si vivacchia, si tira avanti. Si fa un reportage su qualcosa di leggero, innocente, perché la gente non ne vuol sentire di liti tra Soru e Cappellacci, could not care less!
The important thing is to wear the uniform of wool in summer sarda!
This is what people want.
better appearance, the form rather than substance.
What a disappointment the CGIL, the only union still on the side of workers, which to my requests, legitimate, sacrosanct, is a deaf ear. Why, incidentally, the managers of public and private companies (especially the schools) are all on the left, convinced communist, complete with a party card, the most zealous activists.
But how much are classist?
What a disappointment to realize that you are a card number, a resource, but you're no good. Make number, need to get a quorum to approve things that do not concern you! And while you're there, trying to figure out who I am and where I (what am I doing here), plays a lot of big words and useless intellectuals. Who am I doing this to waste any more time to listen to shit? I do not care anything about the news of fruitless meetings to decide how many regional secretaries, three, eight, one .... And while they will meet to decide on this bloody and extremely important for union democracy, listening even more. For example, in the new contract not yet in force, it asks teachers to record attendance, like any other worker, and some institutions have already arisen, prepare appeals and legal loopholes. Never be a teacher from falling and punch! Freedom of teaching!
And that has to do with freedom of teaching? Did you hear those records the presence slave? Timbrare un cartellino quattro volte al mese è chiedere troppo? Ma qui si scivola facilmente nella guerra tra poveri, un altro tranello berlusconiano.
Facendo i conti, a me verranno sessanta euro di aumento, lordi, il che equivale a uno stipendio minore di mille euro mensili; meno di quanto hanno tagliato agli onorevoli: mille euro al mese. Che, immagino, saranno presto coperti da rimborsi e quant’altro. Tanto siam tutti fessi. Ma dopotutto che può pretendere una bidella? Non fa nulla tutto il giorno, seduta su una sedia a osservare chi va e chi viene, chi fa cosa e chi dice cosa. Ah… tutti al di sopra d’ogni sospetto, corretti e ligi al dovere. Offrono pure il caffè, per dimostrare che sono in torto quando ciancio of classism. But is not the coffee that interests me. As the great speeches on security, on the obligations and duties. On the money spent because we are all safe. All of them? If my place is as unsafe to be there .... how many times I hit my head on that wall .... The copier in the nose .... The current noise ... .. Not to mention that thing hanging over my head ... Maybe someday I'll finish this size to break the Maronites. Meanwhile
Sardinia burn .... Sicily, Calabria, South ... All the burns. Where there is more poverty and, no offense, where there is more ignorance, which goes hand in hand.
We hope that the fire ants, those savings, the only, ultimately, worthy of attention.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Wedding Seating Charts Samples
Ill.mo Sig. Procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di S.Maria C.V.-CE-,
abbiamo appreso, dalle pagine del quotidiano “Il mattino “ del 18/07/10, che Ella ha formulato, al Ministro dell’Interno, una proposta riguardante l’incidenza dei crimini ambientali sulla salute della popolazione. L’idea sarebbe quella di creare delle mappe di criticità ambientali con l’ausilio dell’Asl di Caserta e del corpo forestale dello Stato.
Di fronte a questa notizia a qualcuno di noi , appartenente alle Associazioni ecologiste presenti sul territorio provinciale è scappata l’esclamazione : Finalmente! Qualcuno ( tra le tante autorità responsible for territorial control and prosecution of environmental crimes) is interested in the issue, raised by many and particularly on the incidence of cancer in the Province of Caserta which we have little information. Environmental groups have repeatedly complained about the lack of a registry in our region tumors (despite the fact at risk from an environmental point of view and the provisions adopted by the Regional Council - at its meeting on July 17, 2007 - Resolution No. 1293). It would be interesting to know the reasons for non activation by competent ASL. We would like to know also if and when time will be set up and how soon we will have news on 'impact and prevalence of various tumors.
Where no one could have while starting from the execution of targeted investigations to shed light on the current situation, through General Practitioners, the monitoring of applications for disability and the number of exemptions ticket (FOR TUMOR PATHOLOGY) presented at the counters of ' ASL, the analysis of hospital discharge records (there is a specific ATLAS) and all other sources believed to be effective by epidemiologists. Of this, however, we have not had any news. Yet these findings have allowed us to identify the actual number of cancer patients in the province, the main type and the exact location of the sick, (Useful to reveal the concentrations in certain areas and to investigate the causes in order to remove them.). Today, however, we have to start all over again without the support of the necessary information to the authorities, but even more to the population that finds itself having to suffer the effects of environmental crime.
many of members of environmental associations have gone around in recent years, camera on his shoulder, to resume the many existing situations of abuse within the province and how many reports of illegal dumping were received for the tough line with yourself by zealous government officials complaints they received and that, however, have never been a dossier to define areas at risk In order to monitor?
Today (but today) we learn that a collection is made up of the reports identified in the Offices of Public Prosecutor of S. Maria CV To it we shall refer in the hope of getting answers to our fears.
At Our association was also assigned a role by the Province in the complex system of waste disposal. E 'was created a few years ago, the Councillor in charge, a Provincial Coordination met a few times and perhaps premature death and died without anyone has decreed death.
We learn from the pages of the newspaper quoted a "pact of cooperation" aimed at identifying the causes of the large number of cancers in the province and the link between these and the illegal dumps scattered throughout the territory. Such a deal between prosecutors, local health authorities and the State Forestry Corps will be formalized with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding which are excluded from the associations of citizens (those who have suffered for years) recognized by the Province, but not by the public prosecutor. The same "Doctors for the Environment" professionally competent, by barricade time to highlight a phenomenon in the eyes of everyone and no one wanted to know, are not invited to sign this pact.
Body that would be set up just as representatives of the recipients and unaware of the death packed Camorra gangs. It could draw from environmental groups that have formed under the auspices of the Province, the Provincial Coordination. Enrich the participation of a range of information and the proposed cooperation pact would be a step in the empowerment of the population with regard to reporting environmental crimes.
sure of its feeling on the subject
Best regards.
Association "active population" of S. Maria CV-EC-18/07/10

Ill.mo Sig. Procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di S.Maria C.V.-CE-,
abbiamo appreso, dalle pagine del quotidiano “Il mattino “ del 18/07/10, che Ella ha formulato, al Ministro dell’Interno, una proposta riguardante l’incidenza dei crimini ambientali sulla salute della popolazione. L’idea sarebbe quella di creare delle mappe di criticità ambientali con l’ausilio dell’Asl di Caserta e del corpo forestale dello Stato.
Di fronte a questa notizia a qualcuno di noi , appartenente alle Associazioni ecologiste presenti sul territorio provinciale è scappata l’esclamazione : Finalmente! Qualcuno ( tra le tante autorità responsible for territorial control and prosecution of environmental crimes) is interested in the issue, raised by many and particularly on the incidence of cancer in the Province of Caserta which we have little information. Environmental groups have repeatedly complained about the lack of a registry in our region tumors (despite the fact at risk from an environmental point of view and the provisions adopted by the Regional Council - at its meeting on July 17, 2007 - Resolution No. 1293). It would be interesting to know the reasons for non activation by competent ASL. We would like to know also if and when time will be set up and how soon we will have news on 'impact and prevalence of various tumors.
Where no one could have while starting from the execution of targeted investigations to shed light on the current situation, through General Practitioners, the monitoring of applications for disability and the number of exemptions ticket (FOR TUMOR PATHOLOGY) presented at the counters of ' ASL, the analysis of hospital discharge records (there is a specific ATLAS) and all other sources believed to be effective by epidemiologists. Of this, however, we have not had any news. Yet these findings have allowed us to identify the actual number of cancer patients in the province, the main type and the exact location of the sick, (Useful to reveal the concentrations in certain areas and to investigate the causes in order to remove them.). Today, however, we have to start all over again without the support of the necessary information to the authorities, but even more to the population that finds itself having to suffer the effects of environmental crime.
many of members of environmental associations have gone around in recent years, camera on his shoulder, to resume the many existing situations of abuse within the province and how many reports of illegal dumping were received for the tough line with yourself by zealous government officials complaints they received and that, however, have never been a dossier to define areas at risk In order to monitor?
Today (but today) we learn that a collection is made up of the reports identified in the Offices of Public Prosecutor of S. Maria CV To it we shall refer in the hope of getting answers to our fears.
At Our association was also assigned a role by the Province in the complex system of waste disposal. E 'was created a few years ago, the Councillor in charge, a Provincial Coordination met a few times and perhaps premature death and died without anyone has decreed death.
We learn from the pages of the newspaper quoted a "pact of cooperation" aimed at identifying the causes of the large number of cancers in the province and the link between these and the illegal dumps scattered throughout the territory. Such a deal between prosecutors, local health authorities and the State Forestry Corps will be formalized with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding which are excluded from the associations of citizens (those who have suffered for years) recognized by the Province, but not by the public prosecutor. The same "Doctors for the Environment" professionally competent, by barricade time to highlight a phenomenon in the eyes of everyone and no one wanted to know, are not invited to sign this pact.
Body that would be set up just as representatives of the recipients and unaware of the death packed Camorra gangs. It could draw from environmental groups that have formed under the auspices of the Province, the Provincial Coordination. Enrich the participation of a range of information and the proposed cooperation pact would be a step in the empowerment of the population with regard to reporting environmental crimes.
sure of its feeling on the subject
Best regards.
Association "active population" of S. Maria CV-EC-18/07/10
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Fredericton City Auctions
The ant drunken
The Ant drunk
appeared on earth long before us, about 160 million years ago, the ants have developed a very complex social organization, which applies a strict discipline. Already Aesop describe his behavior in his fables in the sixth century BC.
in time have become, for us humans, a symbol not only an allegory, efficiency and altruism to the community.
I was curious about a lot, therefore, the behavior of an ant surprise on a stem of Feoeniculum vulgare, also known as wild Finocchetto.
The ant in question had the abdomen is very large, striped, transparent. Dry weight of scientific information on the insect, believed to be confronted with a queen. Instead ....
Instead, it seems, even the ants have their "human" side.
The ant, who is a worker, found a bunch of aphids on the stem, milked them (like you do with cows), storing the honeydew in the abdomen. Once full, would bring the nectar in the hive, made available to the community.
Off the rigid schemes, but has seen fit take a vacation, or rather let us say a hangover, involving two other sisters-worker happened to there to see what happens.
In the images we see it as if the walk, passing the honeydew from one to another, and if they laugh stretched in the cavity of the stem, and, in the last two images are extruded curious to watch the goal. Usually, when someone approaches, they become aggressive to protect their conquest, they instead it impippano cheerfully, as they are drunk.
Let's return to the nest: they have a spouse that is waiting with a rolling pin in hand, but a whole community .... Poor fellow!
The Ant drunk

appeared on earth long before us, about 160 million years ago, the ants have developed a very complex social organization, which applies a strict discipline. Already Aesop describe his behavior in his fables in the sixth century BC.
in time have become, for us humans, a symbol not only an allegory, efficiency and altruism to the community.
I was curious about a lot, therefore, the behavior of an ant surprise on a stem of Feoeniculum vulgare, also known as wild Finocchetto.
The ant in question had the abdomen is very large, striped, transparent. Dry weight of scientific information on the insect, believed to be confronted with a queen. Instead ....
Instead, it seems, even the ants have their "human" side.
The ant, who is a worker, found a bunch of aphids on the stem, milked them (like you do with cows), storing the honeydew in the abdomen. Once full, would bring the nectar in the hive, made available to the community.
Off the rigid schemes, but has seen fit take a vacation, or rather let us say a hangover, involving two other sisters-worker happened to there to see what happens.

In the images we see it as if the walk, passing the honeydew from one to another, and if they laugh stretched in the cavity of the stem, and, in the last two images are extruded curious to watch the goal. Usually, when someone approaches, they become aggressive to protect their conquest, they instead it impippano cheerfully, as they are drunk.

Let's return to the nest: they have a spouse that is waiting with a rolling pin in hand, but a whole community .... Poor fellow!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Birthday Verses For Gran
The maneuvers never end! We begin to face with the Referendum
O rmai is no one left, in the context of politics, it's about society and society emerging from years of deployments doth the same way as football formations and electoral programs, more and more boringly generic and equal.
the politician requires, therefore, his "leadership" on a collective co-existence (the rights of citizenship, the coverage of basic needs, the 'equality, etc.) bringing to the fore only Rabbit awaiting the most favorable conditions for delivering the blow with cynicism necessary and, meanwhile, to kill time, since there are no more ultimatums of a time, throw very hard to guerra.La terzultimatum penultimatum or political sphere has been completely privatized and surrounded by an aura of comedy that make her look fat as a "closed house" where the student spirit reigns supreme pecoreccia the good old days.
This is a time of crisis in which many do not arrive later this month and among them there are certainly politicians who have reached the third week I had to change the party to be able to live decently. Return to fashion the "government of public health (the health of those?)" Which is only open to those policy makers "without ifs and buts" (sooner or later we dip into a few states that do ban clichés, repeated as interlayers).
to us mere mortals do is pray for you to "enlighten the reason our government and soaks the free spoon in large bowl! And that luck will help him to avoid splashing! "
Despite this climate of low current fashion empire strikes' s entry to the club of political scientists. In this "political science without politics" is donated to the thankless task of interpreting the major arcana of coalitions of power (which are interwoven, one after another, mix, articulate, divide) and their shareholders. It seems that the game is difficult to interpret because they got out of the same "puppeteers." The spectacle, in fact, sembra quello di una scolaresca invitata dalla maestra a spostare banchi e sedie per permettere una visuale migliore della lavagna e della cattedra. Immaginate la confusione che si creerebbe con i bambini che ne approfitterebbero per trasformare il tutto in una gara di scontri .
Ebbene... come non constatare che il declino, o la dissoluzione, di queste forme di rappresentanza è divenuto ovunque quanto mai palese?...
Chi rappresentano le forze politiche in azione, gli uomini che rivestono cariche pubbliche, se non gruppi molto ristretti?
Possiamo ancora permettere che ci si nasconda dietro frasi generiche e vuote di qualsiasi significato come ad esempio “fare gli interessi della collettività”? In quanti di noi non è flashed, at least for a moment, the idea that perhaps a life without power would also be possible?
If this is the dream of a midsummer night at least, however, we can "with" come "together as not to leave in the hands of those who administer some basic human rights such as the environment, transparency of documents. Let us try to use existing tools to impose our point of view. A few years years ago some free association proposed city nr. 3 resolutions to citizens' initiative on issues strictly related to our daily lives. It 's the case today to follow the impulse to transform these drawings of administrative documents, signed by more than eight hundred people in a national referendum to reclaim the word that has been removed.
Decisions about being-in-common have never been taken by politicians even in the recent past and / or far, why do not regret it, I still treasure the memory. In this regard, I am reminded of a Latin version of my green years. It was called "An old witty" and began with "Anus quaedam" look for it on the internet and you'll understand.
Gerardo D'Amore 12/07/2010
Association "active population of S. Maria CV
In Photos: Dionysian walls in Syracuse (Dionysus I called the Elder, also known as Dionysius, 430 BC - 367 BC, was a tyrant of Syracuse.
Anus quaedam ...
" While all they wished the death of the Syracusan tyrant Dionysius the excessive severity and ferocity of the ways of mind, only an old woman every day I pray the Gods to the tyrant's death. When Dionysus came to know, for the curious 'undeserved kindness, he sent for the old and asked why did this. So that: I do it very consciously. When I was young and Syracuse were oppressed by a cruel lord, I pray for his death. When one was killed, yet a tyrant most evil took over and we asked her to the end. Now you have come to govern you, you're never as bad as others and cruel. And for that reason, in fear that death will happen to your worst one yet, I pray the gods that you keep a long time " (http://evergreen-quattrochiacchiere.blogspot.com/2008/02/la-vecchia-siracusana- e-Denis-il.html).
O rmai is no one left, in the context of politics, it's about society and society emerging from years of deployments doth the same way as football formations and electoral programs, more and more boringly generic and equal.
the politician requires, therefore, his "leadership" on a collective co-existence (the rights of citizenship, the coverage of basic needs, the 'equality, etc.) bringing to the fore only Rabbit awaiting the most favorable conditions for delivering the blow with cynicism necessary and, meanwhile, to kill time, since there are no more ultimatums of a time, throw very hard to guerra.La terzultimatum penultimatum or political sphere has been completely privatized and surrounded by an aura of comedy that make her look fat as a "closed house" where the student spirit reigns supreme pecoreccia the good old days.
This is a time of crisis in which many do not arrive later this month and among them there are certainly politicians who have reached the third week I had to change the party to be able to live decently. Return to fashion the "government of public health (the health of those?)" Which is only open to those policy makers "without ifs and buts" (sooner or later we dip into a few states that do ban clichés, repeated as interlayers).
to us mere mortals do is pray for you to "enlighten the reason our government and soaks the free spoon in large bowl! And that luck will help him to avoid splashing! "
Despite this climate of low current fashion empire strikes' s entry to the club of political scientists. In this "political science without politics" is donated to the thankless task of interpreting the major arcana of coalitions of power (which are interwoven, one after another, mix, articulate, divide) and their shareholders. It seems that the game is difficult to interpret because they got out of the same "puppeteers." The spectacle, in fact, sembra quello di una scolaresca invitata dalla maestra a spostare banchi e sedie per permettere una visuale migliore della lavagna e della cattedra. Immaginate la confusione che si creerebbe con i bambini che ne approfitterebbero per trasformare il tutto in una gara di scontri .
Ebbene... come non constatare che il declino, o la dissoluzione, di queste forme di rappresentanza è divenuto ovunque quanto mai palese?...
Chi rappresentano le forze politiche in azione, gli uomini che rivestono cariche pubbliche, se non gruppi molto ristretti?
Possiamo ancora permettere che ci si nasconda dietro frasi generiche e vuote di qualsiasi significato come ad esempio “fare gli interessi della collettività”? In quanti di noi non è flashed, at least for a moment, the idea that perhaps a life without power would also be possible?
If this is the dream of a midsummer night at least, however, we can "with" come "together as not to leave in the hands of those who administer some basic human rights such as the environment, transparency of documents. Let us try to use existing tools to impose our point of view. A few years years ago some free association proposed city nr. 3 resolutions to citizens' initiative on issues strictly related to our daily lives. It 's the case today to follow the impulse to transform these drawings of administrative documents, signed by more than eight hundred people in a national referendum to reclaim the word that has been removed.
Decisions about being-in-common have never been taken by politicians even in the recent past and / or far, why do not regret it, I still treasure the memory. In this regard, I am reminded of a Latin version of my green years. It was called "An old witty" and began with "Anus quaedam" look for it on the internet and you'll understand.
Gerardo D'Amore 12/07/2010
Association "active population of S. Maria CV
In Photos: Dionysian walls in Syracuse (Dionysus I called the Elder, also known as Dionysius, 430 BC - 367 BC, was a tyrant of Syracuse.
Anus quaedam ...
" While all they wished the death of the Syracusan tyrant Dionysius the excessive severity and ferocity of the ways of mind, only an old woman every day I pray the Gods to the tyrant's death. When Dionysus came to know, for the curious 'undeserved kindness, he sent for the old and asked why did this. So that: I do it very consciously. When I was young and Syracuse were oppressed by a cruel lord, I pray for his death. When one was killed, yet a tyrant most evil took over and we asked her to the end. Now you have come to govern you, you're never as bad as others and cruel. And for that reason, in fear that death will happen to your worst one yet, I pray the gods that you keep a long time " (http://evergreen-quattrochiacchiere.blogspot.com/2008/02/la-vecchia-siracusana- e-Denis-il.html).
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