Ill.mo Sig. Procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di S.Maria C.V.-CE-,
abbiamo appreso, dalle pagine del quotidiano “Il mattino “ del 18/07/10, che Ella ha formulato, al Ministro dell’Interno, una proposta riguardante l’incidenza dei crimini ambientali sulla salute della popolazione. L’idea sarebbe quella di creare delle mappe di criticità ambientali con l’ausilio dell’Asl di Caserta e del corpo forestale dello Stato.
Di fronte a questa notizia a qualcuno di noi , appartenente alle Associazioni ecologiste presenti sul territorio provinciale è scappata l’esclamazione : Finalmente! Qualcuno ( tra le tante autorità responsible for territorial control and prosecution of environmental crimes) is interested in the issue, raised by many and particularly on the incidence of cancer in the Province of Caserta which we have little information. Environmental groups have repeatedly complained about the lack of a registry in our region tumors (despite the fact at risk from an environmental point of view and the provisions adopted by the Regional Council - at its meeting on July 17, 2007 - Resolution No. 1293). It would be interesting to know the reasons for non activation by competent ASL. We would like to know also if and when time will be set up and how soon we will have news on 'impact and prevalence of various tumors.
Where no one could have while starting from the execution of targeted investigations to shed light on the current situation, through General Practitioners, the monitoring of applications for disability and the number of exemptions ticket (FOR TUMOR PATHOLOGY) presented at the counters of ' ASL, the analysis of hospital discharge records (there is a specific ATLAS) and all other sources believed to be effective by epidemiologists. Of this, however, we have not had any news. Yet these findings have allowed us to identify the actual number of cancer patients in the province, the main type and the exact location of the sick, (Useful to reveal the concentrations in certain areas and to investigate the causes in order to remove them.). Today, however, we have to start all over again without the support of the necessary information to the authorities, but even more to the population that finds itself having to suffer the effects of environmental crime.
many of members of environmental associations have gone around in recent years, camera on his shoulder, to resume the many existing situations of abuse within the province and how many reports of illegal dumping were received for the tough line with yourself by zealous government officials complaints they received and that, however, have never been a dossier to define areas at risk In order to monitor?
Today (but today) we learn that a collection is made up of the reports identified in the Offices of Public Prosecutor of S. Maria CV To it we shall refer in the hope of getting answers to our fears.
At Our association was also assigned a role by the Province in the complex system of waste disposal. E 'was created a few years ago, the Councillor in charge, a Provincial Coordination met a few times and perhaps premature death and died without anyone has decreed death.
We learn from the pages of the newspaper quoted a "pact of cooperation" aimed at identifying the causes of the large number of cancers in the province and the link between these and the illegal dumps scattered throughout the territory. Such a deal between prosecutors, local health authorities and the State Forestry Corps will be formalized with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding which are excluded from the associations of citizens (those who have suffered for years) recognized by the Province, but not by the public prosecutor. The same "Doctors for the Environment" professionally competent, by barricade time to highlight a phenomenon in the eyes of everyone and no one wanted to know, are not invited to sign this pact.
Body that would be set up just as representatives of the recipients and unaware of the death packed Camorra gangs. It could draw from environmental groups that have formed under the auspices of the Province, the Provincial Coordination. Enrich the participation of a range of information and the proposed cooperation pact would be a step in the empowerment of the population with regard to reporting environmental crimes.
sure of its feeling on the subject
Best regards.
Association "active population" of S. Maria CV-EC-18/07/10
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