The Ant drunk

appeared on earth long before us, about 160 million years ago, the ants have developed a very complex social organization, which applies a strict discipline. Already Aesop describe his behavior in his fables in the sixth century BC.
in time have become, for us humans, a symbol not only an allegory, efficiency and altruism to the community.
I was curious about a lot, therefore, the behavior of an ant surprise on a stem of Feoeniculum vulgare, also known as wild Finocchetto.
The ant in question had the abdomen is very large, striped, transparent. Dry weight of scientific information on the insect, believed to be confronted with a queen. Instead ....
Instead, it seems, even the ants have their "human" side.
The ant, who is a worker, found a bunch of aphids on the stem, milked them (like you do with cows), storing the honeydew in the abdomen. Once full, would bring the nectar in the hive, made available to the community.
Off the rigid schemes, but has seen fit take a vacation, or rather let us say a hangover, involving two other sisters-worker happened to there to see what happens.

In the images we see it as if the walk, passing the honeydew from one to another, and if they laugh stretched in the cavity of the stem, and, in the last two images are extruded curious to watch the goal. Usually, when someone approaches, they become aggressive to protect their conquest, they instead it impippano cheerfully, as they are drunk.

Let's return to the nest: they have a spouse that is waiting with a rolling pin in hand, but a whole community .... Poor fellow!
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