Saturday, October 9, 2010

Service Manual Online Free

"The future is in God's hands, not those of magicians and economists," said the Pope Confirmation: recent forays (with insults to the medical profession) and the Minister Brunetta the gyrations of the Mayor of Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Minister and the Mayor both accountants ....).

" Iproblemi not lacking in the Church and the world, as well as in family life. But thank God, our hope does not even count on improbable predictions on economic forecasts, although significant " : thus the Pope on the first Sunday Angelus of 2010 (see : esteri/2010/01/03/news/il_papa_futuro_nelle_mani_di_dio_non_di_maghi_o_economisti-1821307 /).
image was never more apt as that evoked by Benedict XVI about the economists: that consideration was much appreciated by the Minister Tremonti (lawyer) and stigmatized as Minister Brunetta (economist).
The latter has become very unpopular with the medical profession, having recently insulted doctors Italians in a vulgar form, laughable, to say the least, bizarre: all the doctors called''Saving Silverman of money''in discussions to determine the start of
online certificate (see youtube video: http://www / watch? v = zGio1pmVC7k) . So much so that even the proverbial moderation of the National Federation of Doctors has failed, and distanced himself from such an aberration. The "accountant" Brunetta throwing blows in the pile, pointing to public ridicule the medical profession, guilty of not following him in a crusade unlikely: he wants all the doctors send the medical certificates over the Internet, not realizing that not all the territory National dall'ADSL is covered, or a euro has been invested by the Government on broadband, it being the last place our country in Europe on this matter. As a "magician ", with a magic wand, was the author of legislation (with very heavy penalties for doctors) that, by September 15 last year, would make the online certification system, but everything remains the referring from time to time, the latest date of acceptance (now we have moved to February 1, 2011).
Obviously I do not want to equate to Brunetta, as it would be a "plan " too low, and I say this without irony. I do not think the " accountants" are all sorcerers, in the same way as doctors are not all "beggars," but a doubt assails me, if I think the current mayor of my town, Santa Maria Capua Vetere: accountant too, so as his friends on the rope, between " city manager" or not.
It 's a mayor who is more than 3 years from the election is still struggling with the appointment of yet another councilor, having a record of twists and transformation, author of "reversals " unspeakable betrayal and, as to be "disgusted "either right or left, and the center ... I will not bore you if our City is administered in the meantime or not ... So we must be wary of
magicians, astrologers, fortune tellers, clairvoyants, charlatans of various kinds, adding that some economists: Lord, deliver us from evil, from magicians and from ... some economists (Brunetta and Giudicianni for the record).
Antonio Merola

Video of Brunetta

Mayor S . Maria CV, with ... Cosentino and the Mayor of Curti, Gizzi


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