Monday, December 20, 2010

Fish Sticks Sound Park


The news: The Chamber of Deputies at its meeting on 15 December last year rejected two amendments (one by Stephanie Pina Picierno Graziano and the other from the PD and IDV Franco Barbato and others) to require the removal of Cava Mastroianni by Decree 90/2008. If it had been accepted Caserta would destroy forever the prospect, not far now to realize, at 50 cm from the illegal dumping of Lo Uttaro, another landfill to deal with spatial planning choices and terrible, that are destroying the area and health public. You want to remember that the illegal dump created by Bertolaso \u200b\u200b& C. on the basis of false statements and actions has been recognized environmental disaster and some leaders have already committed for trial.
Who allowed that the law should not be modified? Who decided for our future?
We name a few of the many. We remember especially those who represent the majority of this territory and govern it: Cosentino, Landolfi, Petrenga, D'Anna, Stasi (the former Prefect of Caserta). Zinzi, in fact, voted against. It 'good that you know. We need to understand, but who are they who decide on the future and our children of that unhappy land. " I am assured - said Cirino Pomicino July 30 last year in an interview on Dagospia - and I tried it on my shit the skin of some prosecutors. I suffered forty-two processes with the heart that I find myself. But when I see three MPs of the PDL born in Casal di Principe me think the equivalent of three parliamentary Corleone. you go on heavy. Who are the three? "The same Cosentino, the MP and Senator Joan Petrenga Gennaro Coronella. But it seems possible that most of the power in Campania Italian party, the PDL, is concentrated in three countries with very high infiltration of the mafia? ".
Cosentino & C. Let's see who the main players of the future of Terra di Lavoro.
Nicola Cosentino. accused of collusion with the Mafia for relations with the clan, the Judiciary has called for the arrest, the Parliament said no, so Mr. Cosentino is on the loose and decide on the future of the Campania Region as regional coordinator of the so-called House of Freedom. " According to Vassallo, Cosentino was the" controller political "Eco4. Maybe even more so if the Bidognetti they referred to him as "our candidate " and if, according to Vassallo's revelations, he stated "that society song 'I . Its role would seem consisted in facilitating the interests of brothers and Bears Casale families connected with them, in exchange for which he received regular "bribes" from € 50 000 Cosentino that used for electoral purposes. The tasks of Cosentino based on several areas: the provision of certificates that are inaccessible to anti-Mafia pressure on mayors and prefects, from negotiations to mediation between society and the commissioners made the use of unnecessary work for the usual electoral interests .... The role of Cosentino and Landolfi resurface when the Bears will have problems with the President of Savoy, with its links with the PPI field, with its demands for more powers, with little attention to the patronage needs of members, engaged only to the care of their own. Interceptions della Procura chiamano in causa Raffaele Chianese, uomo di Landolfi, impegnato a garantire una soluzione da parte di questi e di Cosentino al "problema Savoia", in cambio di un ruolo di rilievo dello stesso Chianese all’interno della società. “Nicola Cosentino ha condizionato tutta la gestione dei rifiuti in Campania. Nelle accuse dei pentiti l'alleanza tra la malavita e i leader del centrodestra”, così l’Espresso il 13 novembre 2009.
Mario Landolfi. Deputato e vice coordinatore regionale del Pdl. Coinvolto nell’inchiesta sul Consorzio Eco4 è a ccusato di voto di scambio aggravato dal favoreggiamento di clan camorristici. La sua posizione è stata stralciata on irregularities in the process of Eco4, the company controlled by brothers Bear and the boss Francesco Bidognetti, according to the indictment, in exchange for contracts to collect waste in the towns of Caserta, assumed people close to politicians and power. "magistrates lay bare a perverse triangle: a pact between the Camorra, entrepreneurs and public officials. An ancient system that - allegedly - was perfected by Cosentino and its Landolfi beginning of the millennium. But it is mainly to control the godfathers, who impose their will using every tool: corruption, violence, control the votes. When not even enough blackmail, bribes and threats, then turn to waste in weapon: it stirred up the popular protest breaks out or the bureaucracy to block trucks and landfills "(L'Espresso November 13, 2009).
These people, some of which should stay in the country's prisons as Nicola Cosentino, have clear ideas on the future of our children, making this the dormitory area of \u200b\u200bNaples and the dustbin of Italy. At Caserta landfills, cement, polyclinics, 5-star hotels, quarries and waste in Maddaloni, quarries and cement factories now a foundry, a first-class Marcianise unhealthy industries, toxic waste by the Camorra, and now a gasifier, last present to his beloved city by the Presidentissimo Zinzi. In the most fertile on the planet, however, between Santa Maria La Fossa, Casal di Principe, S. Tammaro, Pastors, etc.. landfill leachate treatment plants, plants for the treatment of industrial waste, etc.. E 'should be remembered, however, that the province of Caserta is the first in Italy for the production of strawberries, nectarines, and buffalo, among the first places for the production of cherries, first in Italy for the production of mineral waters from the most famous and popular. About 40,000 companies (Istat), 16,000 of which registered at the Chamber of Commerce. A stable job and income for over 120,000 employees. But these guys have a different idea of \u200b\u200bplanning and development policies and the history of the landfill "Matroianni" Caserta and Cementir Maddaloni (which force you to kill the general hospital before it is completed, the indifference of the same university and with the tacit consent of the Superintendent), as last decisions in order, demonstrate unequivocally where you are going. If everything is acceptable we have, then, the duty to support Cosentino, Landolfi, Petrenga, D'Anna, Coronella and many, many Cosentino in our area, within municipalities (such as the mayor of Castel Volturno Scalzone) or in the institutions or on the boards of public or private companies.
As far as we know about these gentlemen who feel like they are at war with this area who want to exterminate. We have no time, however, there is more time and we can not afford to look the other way. Or with them or for the territory and the future. It 's time to take sides and engage. The delegation is not enough. You do not need.


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