La Giunta Provinciale ha approvato , In the not remote, missed an important decision, perhaps the attention of the public, which allows the preparation of the tender for the construction at the landfill " Maruzzella 3 " San Tammaro , of ' collection system and energy use of biogas and the treatment of leachate .
The term leachate from the landfill, means the "liquid that is originated from the infiltration of water into the mass of the waste or from the decomposition of the same" (Article 2 of Decree. 36/2003). So we can say that the leachate is nothing but a waste derived from waste themselves. Its treatment can not fail to have any substantial effect on the quality of final effluent plant, placed in surface waters.
The biogas plants, however, exploit methane emissions produced by the fermentation of waste, producing a compound of methane and carbon dioxide. Many researchers, when questioned on these plants, they argue that their release into the atmosphere, as well as hinder the rehabilitation of the area and represent a worrying aspect for site managers and for the people who live nearby, constitute a serious threat to groundwater idrica e per la stessa atmosfera . Tra l’altro il metano, presente solitamente nel biogas in una concentrazione variabile tra il 45% ed il 60%, contribuisce enormemente alla generazione complessiva dell’effetto-serra.
Non lasciamoci fuorviare da soluzioni falsamente ecologiche proposte oggi dal mercato. Recenti studi scientifici hanno dimostrato che soltanto una parte del biogas prodotto (l’ipocrisia del suffisso “bio” è lampante a chi la voglia leggere) verrebbe trattenuta dagli impianti , la rimanente parte verrebbe dispersa in atmosfera.
Sembra dunque che la scelta definitiva sia ormai stata fatta for the happiness of the many individuals who, on the death of citizens, realize handsome profits. We will continue undaunted in the environmental disaster so far produced by transferring indiscriminate dumping in increasingly large, mixed waste, the lack of will to accomplish even simple composting plants, the permanence of chopped screening systems as pre-treatment "pro forma" with the 'transfer of the same hours as it is crushed and, finally, the construction of incinerators.
The confirmation of this design comes from the statements made by Attorney S. Maria CV dr. Corrado Lembo, the Regional Commission Special sulle ecomafie e sulle bonifiche ambientali: “da un vero e proprio pedinamento dei sacchetti di rifiuti , effettuato in alcuni Comuni del Casertano, si è evidenziata una raccolta differenziata finta ” che mette in risalto “un interesse alla raccolta indifferenziata” ( il Mattino di Martedì 30/11/10)
Con la discarica Maruzzella situata a San Tammaro ( a pochi metri dalla nostra periferia) Continuous development and systems collection and energy use of biogas and leachate treatment under construction, there will necessarily need a anaerobic digester. Where it can be located if not within walking distance from the dump? It will not be provided was, for case, even the purpose of processing iron?
In this case, our city will be the repository of all the garbage in the province of Caserta, will become, ie, the pole of the provincial disposal.
; Che bella prospettiva.
La strada obbligata e unica per i cittadini è quella di opporsi ai programmi di morte adottati in maniera bipartisan dalla politica. L’alternativa sarebbe quella di “ fujresenne ”.
Gerardo D’Amore 30/11/10
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