Monday, June 29, 2009
Signs And Symptoms Of A Chest Infection
How Much For A New License In Columbus
In recent measure taken by the Council of Ministers, also setting a new deadline for the stabilization by moving the reference to the years 2010-2012 and introduce some adjustments to the rules on sick leave.
We hope that this is a breakthrough of common sense in government policies on public work (we impose the utmost caution in this regard), certainly demonstrates that the firmness of our position has paid and, jointly with local government at the signing of the last contractual arrangements for health and local governments, has led to the removal of provisions hateful and irrational.
continue to ask the government to compare true on these and other issues concerning the condition of public work, the processes of innovation in public administrations and their revival in the service of citizens, in the grave crisis that the country is going through.
CGIL As we can not but be pleased to have averted the risk to thousands of civil servants losing their jobs everyday and we confirm our commitment to protect workers and public workers.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Blueprints For A Bike
Monday, June 22, 2009
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Daily Sport

Alterverso - a workshop on insecurity
Torino 26/06/2009 - Auditorium Cascina Marchesa - Vercelli 141 / 7
try a different approach to an issue made by the central information system and the political campaigns of recent months.
We will try to give answers to new questions and getting popular perceptions.
Meanwhile, since it relies on a perception of depth - that exists within all of s us - our insecurity?
Why, instead to a wealth of differences, they make us fear?
economic crisis, insecurity, social immobility, immigration, loss of subjective and collective identity, the whole plot to a dramatic increase in widespread insecurity and this insecurity to be given answers and solutions than those offered by the policy.
We ask, therefore, if you can act - and quickly - without the need for patrols, without xenophobia, homophobia, racism of acceptable values.
All these questions take on greater value and weight if we look at the work public, our job is, first of all, a work report, daily contact with something else, with the other.
What happens to the quality of work, empathy and respect for others - essential when dealing with children, elderly, disadvantaged, immigrants - whether injury Ignorance insecurity are not addressed, explained, resolved?
We would, in short, to escape the stereotypes, producing a different debate / new language and in the outcomes.
For these reasons, we speak of workshop, laboratory, consisting of speeches, gestures, even theatrical, confessions - all together - can produce new responses, original and effective.
Bet fascinating even for the union, the ricerca di un approccio profondo a questioni decisive per la qualità della nostra vita e del nostro lavoro.
Abbiamo pensato inoltre di mettere insieme dirigenti sindacali e operatori sociali e, quindi: Susanna Camusso, segretaria nazionale CGIL, Alfredo Garzi, segretario nazionale FP CGIL, Franco Floris, direttore Gruppo Abele e Giuseppe Platone, pastore valdese.
Abbiamo collaborato inoltre, per la realizzazione di questo evento, con Associazioni che qui vorremmo citare e ringraziare: Theatro, Racconta Giusta e Idea Lavoro.
Tutti hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro per la riuscita e l’efficacia dell’iniziativa del 26 giugno.
Non resta che incontrarci alla Cascina Marchesa di Torino alle 9.30
Salvatore Chiaramonte, Secretary-General FP CGIL Piemonte
Vincent Morin, Secretary-General FP CGIL Lombardia
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Job Description Of A Preschool Consultant
Our piccoloministro said during a meeting of industrialists (who expressed loud dissent) that the crisis is doing good income for employees, which would be - that's incredible! - Richer than before.
It pissed everybody - for employers to review (even the UGL), social organizations to a number of economic analysts, and our piccoloministro not find a better way to respond to his spokesman:
"There is religion! In response to a serious analysis of the economic crisis on Minister Brunetta, unemployment, inflation and purchasing power of employees and pensioners, the CGIL union, which presumably formed in his youth on the Marxist texts, we can only plead that the reference to the analysis of Cei and Caritas. Institutions respectable and praiseworthy. Dear
Marxist imaginary CGIL, the government is the government and the macro-economy is the macro-economy. If you have something to object to the Minister Brunetta stay if you can, on its own analytical level. to Caesar what is Caesar's. A God what is God's . "
If piccoloministro abuses sostanze stupefacenti, mi sa che il suo portavoce gli fa da pusher...
When Is The New Game Coming To Poptropica
How and when will emerge out of this crisis of capitalism, the most serious of the last seventy years, yet nobody knows, unless in Italy ever since our government waiting for everything to finish, you do not agree on how to get out that much more opportunity for our country.
You can not imagine being in the near future, out of a free market economy, but at least they are not always people to pay when the crisis comes and who determines it remains largely unpunished.
Italian bankers and industrialists should make a revolution before economic cultural capital with its risk and at the same time assume social responsibilities.
The government should help this process reforms and ad hoc regulations.
this government can do? Can you guarantee a social minimum to all citizens? The answer is no! While even the United States of America with Obama convert, in the face of climate change, a future based on sustainability in our government, not taking into account environmental protection and research and development of sustainable energy and the same Government which also blend security and economic crisis to violate human rights.
E 'should be opened with a comparison of this government that will lead to reform of the labor market and social protection for all workers, the unemployed and pensioners?
I am convinced that the objective of the Government would not extend to all but steal and reduce rights to those who already have.
What would be the audience?
Brunette ripubblicizza contracts in the civil service and suspend the trade unions?
Sacconi who with his white paper on public services and privatization in particular, take away the citizens' right to education and health?
Tremonti converted into public, the crisis, having theorized and practiced in the previous right-wing government, its economy and imaginative paper, a close relative of toxic assets, so just because we all pay? The Northern League's Bossi
that is low throughout the country, a tax reform without its head or tail?
Good Berlusconi (for those who imagine a life as easy as vellum or deputy) who does not want neither legal nor moral constraints?
What opposition would support a process so important extension of rights to all? Only left-wing opposition that focuses its work culture, politics and the social world of work.
The single contract would become the instrument through which we are no longer all equal with respect to labor rights, we would be equal with respect to wages.
Art 18 of Law 300 would be among the first rights to be sacrificed on the altar of a policy of exchange, given the current debate and availability in the field that you read between the lines.
Everyone recognizes the Bank of Italy to the President of the Republic, which often reminds the country, such as social cohesion is, today, the priority from which to make extensive changes to the labor market and the quality of work, if so, this can not assume an exchange of work and pensions, as claimed by Confindustria.
No exchange is feasible between contract single and straight.
In the public service contract with the Health and Local Authorities were also signed both the FP CGIL.
A new politically significant, since the signing of separate agreements of the Ministries and central functions, this shows that when the litigation has merit and not against us preconceived ideologies Cgil knows its responsibilities.
There is no doubt, however, that a contract season is over.
bargaining that took place for the contract of Local Government has shown its limits and some news.
The two-year financial year 2008/09 and was signed late.
The economic and regulatory 2006/2009 contract, like others, was terminated without the possibility to discuss the normative part and much less quality of services and labor, beyond the vulgar propaganda Minister Brunetta.
When comparing the intrusion of the government and the pressure exerted by Agency dell'Aran put in serious risk of pre-subscription arrangement.
's role, provinces and regions, is numbered among the good news of the comparison together with the tightness of the labor unions.
not forget that the pre-signed agreement will be subject to consultation Certified workers.
The decree implementing the Law of 15 compounds the frame of reference, does not address the limits and overcome them, to cancel the bargaining and employee representation.
We are not faced with a bargaining reformed, but to its cancellation.
Our first task is to fight this decree through the unit with CISL and UIL and the alliance with the local authorities, who, like us, have every incentive to provide services to citizens, with whom we have to develop a covenant for quality services, increasing productivity and professionalism of public employees. As we wrote
e sottoscritto con il precedente Governo, Regioni, Province e Comuni nel Memorandum, troppo presto dimenticato da tutti, forse, anche da noi.
Per annullare gli effetti della legge 15 e il suo decreto attuativo, non c’è dubbio che dobbiamo interloquire con la politica e le istituzioni, per chiedere l’annullamento di quella legge anche attraverso un referendum se vogliamo salvaguardare la contrattazione.
Abbiamo bisogno, da subito, soprattutto della mobilitazione dei lavoratori e cittadini per renderli protagonisti di una stagione che ponga al paese di affrontare, sia scelte difficili sia per proporre una visione della società e del mondo del lavoro che dia futuro ai lavoratori, giovani, donne, precari, unemployed, migrants who are the backbone of society today and tomorrow.
Rome June 8, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
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A new website for the Civil Service of the CGIL Piemonte
We thought it was time to renew our communication tools and to make a great investment.
A new site ( ), a forum is always open to debate and contributions of all (http:// ) , a regular bulletin of information sent by e-mail a tutti gli iscritti che dovrebbero permetterci di raggiungere uno scopo molto importante: far giungere innanzitutto alle lavoratrici e ai lavoratori pubblici tutta l’informazione in tempo reale sull’attività sindacale, sul dibattito dentro la FP CGIL Piemontese, insomma su cosa siamo e su cosa facciamo.
Valore pubblico, questo il nome/slogan che abbiamo voluto attribuire all’insieme di queste iniziative per enfatizzare ancora di più il senso della nostra identità e gli obiettivi della nostra azione:
- valore al lavoro pubblico, alla sua importanza, alla sua qualità, alla sua stabilità, ai suoi diritti
- valore al servizio pubblico, al welfare, decisivo per ogni idea moderna e democratic society, a society that we are inclusive, secular, inclusive.
seem almost utopian in this strange, strange country, but maybe it is time to rediscover the utopias and chasing them all together, proudly.
The new site, coordinated by Beppe tape, want to be, and importantly, a tool for executives and delegates of the Civil Service of the CGIL Piemonte will find that, in addition to a robust set of documents and contracts (and always freely available ), the texts of the provincial and regional agreements, documents and anything else related to local initiatives the provincial organizations will want to make available. This
is one of the most significant: all provincial territories will have an area of \u200b\u200btheir exclusive jurisdiction, where to enter and publish information, news and documents (agreements, agendas, etc.)..
The Forum Web site, was designed as a space dedicated to the collective reflection, debate, the discussion on our key words, hoping it can also be the site for comments and contributions that can help us work better, closer aspirations and needs of the people we represent.
Finally, periodic bulletin (newsletter), managed by Mauro Cattaneo FP CGIL of Alexandria, which will keep you updated sulle novità e gli aggiornamenti del sito web e, in genere, della nostra attività: abbiamo l’obiettivo ambizioso di giungere (con discrezione) a tutte le vostre caselle di posta elettronica, che potrete segnalare con un apposito modulo elettronico.
Abbiamo grandi progetti per il futuro ma, intanto, cominciamo con piccoli e significativi passi che, speriamo, potremo fare tutti insieme.
In conclusione, vorremmo ringraziare Romualdo Magliulo che ha, in questi anni e con grande pazienza, gestito il nostro vecchio sito internet che pure è stato una delle più significative iniziative della Categoria in Italia.
A tutti un augurio sincero di buon lavoro
Salvatore Chiaramonte