A Moroccan worker of 57 years, Ahmed Nasron died while working on the Turin Aosta, crushed by a truck with his companions, also all other marocchini.Un, Atouf Marow, 33 remained seriously burned in a paint factory, along with three other co-workers - including another marocchino.Sarebbe a wonderful opportunity for the Maroni, the Borghezio, the Bossi, Berlusconi, and to demonstrate to the whole country that they are not racist, xenophobic and shrewd exploiters of fears and insecurities of an Italian would go in person to find families to assure them that the country's government cares about security (this is in danger) at work and the opportunity for everyone to work in conditions and for a decent wage adeguato.Ma course will be an opportunity that you gentlemen do not take, because they are REALLY racist and xenophobic because we really are building their political fortunes by speculating the discomfort and insecurity of people
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