Public Function CGIL - Piedmont - Lombardy
Alterverso - a workshop on insecurity
Torino 26/06/2009 - Auditorium Cascina Marchesa - c.so Vercelli 141 / 7
try a different approach to an issue made by the central information system and the political campaigns of recent months.
We will try to give answers to new questions and getting popular perceptions.
Meanwhile, since it relies on a perception of depth - that exists within all of s us - our insecurity?
Why, instead to a wealth of differences, they make us fear?
economic crisis, insecurity, social immobility, immigration, loss of subjective and collective identity, the whole plot to a dramatic increase in widespread insecurity and this insecurity to be given answers and solutions than those offered by the policy.
We ask, therefore, if you can act - and quickly - without the need for patrols, without xenophobia, homophobia, racism of acceptable values.
All these questions take on greater value and weight if we look at the work public, our job is, first of all, a work report, daily contact with something else, with the other.
What happens to the quality of work, empathy and respect for others - essential when dealing with children, elderly, disadvantaged, immigrants - whether injury Ignorance insecurity are not addressed, explained, resolved?
We would, in short, to escape the stereotypes, producing a different debate / new language and in the outcomes.
For these reasons, we speak of workshop, laboratory, consisting of speeches, gestures, even theatrical, confessions - all together - can produce new responses, original and effective.
Bet fascinating even for the union, the ricerca di un approccio profondo a questioni decisive per la qualità della nostra vita e del nostro lavoro.
Abbiamo pensato inoltre di mettere insieme dirigenti sindacali e operatori sociali e, quindi: Susanna Camusso, segretaria nazionale CGIL, Alfredo Garzi, segretario nazionale FP CGIL, Franco Floris, direttore Gruppo Abele e Giuseppe Platone, pastore valdese.
Abbiamo collaborato inoltre, per la realizzazione di questo evento, con Associazioni che qui vorremmo citare e ringraziare: Theatro, Racconta Giusta e Idea Lavoro.
Tutti hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro per la riuscita e l’efficacia dell’iniziativa del 26 giugno.
Non resta che incontrarci alla Cascina Marchesa di Torino alle 9.30
Salvatore Chiaramonte, Secretary-General FP CGIL Piemonte
Vincent Morin, Secretary-General FP CGIL Lombardia
Alterverso - a workshop on insecurity
Torino 26/06/2009 - Auditorium Cascina Marchesa - c.so Vercelli 141 / 7
try a different approach to an issue made by the central information system and the political campaigns of recent months.
We will try to give answers to new questions and getting popular perceptions.
Meanwhile, since it relies on a perception of depth - that exists within all of s us - our insecurity?
Why, instead to a wealth of differences, they make us fear?
economic crisis, insecurity, social immobility, immigration, loss of subjective and collective identity, the whole plot to a dramatic increase in widespread insecurity and this insecurity to be given answers and solutions than those offered by the policy.
We ask, therefore, if you can act - and quickly - without the need for patrols, without xenophobia, homophobia, racism of acceptable values.
All these questions take on greater value and weight if we look at the work public, our job is, first of all, a work report, daily contact with something else, with the other.
What happens to the quality of work, empathy and respect for others - essential when dealing with children, elderly, disadvantaged, immigrants - whether injury Ignorance insecurity are not addressed, explained, resolved?
We would, in short, to escape the stereotypes, producing a different debate / new language and in the outcomes.
For these reasons, we speak of workshop, laboratory, consisting of speeches, gestures, even theatrical, confessions - all together - can produce new responses, original and effective.
Bet fascinating even for the union, the ricerca di un approccio profondo a questioni decisive per la qualità della nostra vita e del nostro lavoro.
Abbiamo pensato inoltre di mettere insieme dirigenti sindacali e operatori sociali e, quindi: Susanna Camusso, segretaria nazionale CGIL, Alfredo Garzi, segretario nazionale FP CGIL, Franco Floris, direttore Gruppo Abele e Giuseppe Platone, pastore valdese.
Abbiamo collaborato inoltre, per la realizzazione di questo evento, con Associazioni che qui vorremmo citare e ringraziare: Theatro, Racconta Giusta e Idea Lavoro.
Tutti hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro per la riuscita e l’efficacia dell’iniziativa del 26 giugno.
Non resta che incontrarci alla Cascina Marchesa di Torino alle 9.30
Salvatore Chiaramonte, Secretary-General FP CGIL Piemonte
Vincent Morin, Secretary-General FP CGIL Lombardia
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