Thursday, June 11, 2009

Job Description Of A Preschool Consultant

Brunetteide: Caesar or God? Crispi

Our piccoloministro said during a meeting of industrialists (who expressed loud dissent) that the crisis is doing good income for employees, which would be - that's incredible! - Richer than before.
It pissed everybody - for employers to review (even the UGL), social organizations to a number of economic analysts, and our piccoloministro not find a better way to respond to his spokesman:

"There is religion! In response to a serious analysis of the economic crisis on Minister Brunetta, unemployment, inflation and purchasing power of employees and pensioners, the CGIL union, which presumably formed in his youth on the Marxist texts, we can only plead that the reference to the analysis of Cei and Caritas. Institutions respectable and praiseworthy. Dear
Marxist imaginary CGIL, the government is the government and the macro-economy is the macro-economy. If you have something to object to the Minister Brunetta stay if you can, on its own analytical level. to Caesar what is Caesar's. A God what is God's . "

If piccoloministro abuses sostanze stupefacenti, mi sa che il suo portavoce gli fa da pusher...


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