Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Canadian Track And Field

"Concert of Love for the Land of Fires", Palamaggiò, February 25, 2011

La Terra che ci nutre, ci alleva, ci accompagna, merita rispetto:
è da stolti pensare che il degrado ambientale non comporti il degrado dell’ uomo e della sua Salute.
L’Associazione dei Medici per l’Ambiente, che sostiene questa iniziativa, ha dimostrato che solo la Prevenzione Primaria del suolo, dell’aria, dell’acqua, salvaguarda our welfare, not only physical but also mental. Today is no longer observed environmental influences that cause acute, infectious, deficiency, but there are more subtly altered endocrine, immunological, oncogene that transforms our body.
Recent evidence shows that various types of pollution affect our epigenome, transmitting irreversible damage to future generations, in whose name we must oppose environmental degradation WITH FORCE AND ITS HANDLING Villain.
This beautiful land has been massacred by toxic waste from all over d 'Italy, from "too many" municipal solid waste deliberately left as it is, a thousand fires that give the illusion of the disappearance of rubbish, from the millions of euro spent on waste disposal sites and facilities for short-term palliatives.
The failure of political and administrative management, the business of the industrial lobby and the moral decay and crime against the common good leads us immediately to reverse the route in Campania.
A concert of love that shows a sincere proposal for a more 'healthy, renew civil dignity of the one hundred organizations participating e genera emozioni di appartenenza per una svolta rivoluzionaria.
Gaetano Rivezzi (Coordinatore regionale dei Medici per l’Ambiente) e
il Comitato per il concerto d’Amore per la Terra dei Fuochi 


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