Why are we here?
Una sintesi del discorso che il Presidente Emerito della Corte Costituzionale terrĂ oggi alla manifestazione of freedom and justice in Milan
"Why are we here and what do we have to say, to ask? Nothing and everything. Not for everyone, for everyone. We are not here even as belonging to this or that party, this or that union, to this or that association. What we are asking, we ask as citizens. Who is here only represents himself. For this reason, our meeting is a highly political , like all times, in extraordinary cases of democratic life, the differences are silent and memberships details and talk about the reasons that are common to naked people, interested in the fate not mine or yours, but common to all. We are not here, therefore, to support special interests. But we are not against parties. In fact, we turn to them, majority and opposition, in the collection of the malaise that rises from a growing country where the growing revulsion against those who governs and how, if people are to be reflected in who represents them and is strengthened the relationship between democracy first and second, a relationship that is now visibly loose.
Nothing we have to ask for us. We do not ask, nor places, nor money. We are not on the market. It is corrupt institutions the donation of seats in exchange for loyalty. E 'corruption of the people the gift of money in return for submission and services. We believe in the policy of free people, not enslaved, moved from their ideas and not by petty personal interests for which they sacrificed the dignity of the cart that delivers powerful benefits and protection. In fact, we call for an end to this system of corruption and debasement of the conscience of democracy, a system that has invaded public life and has disqualified in the eyes of citizens, as the system of patronage. Citizens who are outside and want to stay out of rights and not asking favors, and complicity legality, safety and protection. They do not accept having to tie anyone to get what is due. They want, in a word, to be citizens, not customers, not had enough of being bypassed, politics, business, professions, universities, in the hierarchy of public bureaucracies, at every level, from the manager at the issue, not by who deserves better, but who enjoys more support and protection ... "
Gustavo Zagrebelsky
http://www.repubblica.it/politica/2011/02/04/news/le_notti_di_arcore_e_la_notte_italiana-12042124/index.html?ref = search
If all candidates in the forthcoming elections could build on to St. Mary of the above words ...
Antonio Merola
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