Thursday, February 10, 2011

Heart Pain When Waking

The lies of the CISL FP

Riceviamo da Michele Gentile e, volentieri, pubblichiamo

Dipartimento Settori Pubblici

Roma, 7 febbraio 2011
Prot. 2011/268
Cod. 333/17
Al Segretario Generale della FPS CISL
Via Lancisi, 25
00161 - ROMA
e, p.c. Al Segretario Generale della CISL
Al Segretario Confederale CISL addetto al Pubblico Impiego
Via Po, 21
00198 - ROMA

Ho letto sul sito della Fps Cisl una dichiarazione del Segretario Generale della categoria di commento al recente Accordo Separato del 4.2.
Nel testo, tra le tante cose opinabili, leggo “Così come sapevano tutti, including the head of the public sectors Michele Gentile, the meeting at Palazzo Chigi and the installation of the things that would have discussed. "
am outraged by this deception and the fact that the Secretary, groped for his grave to justify the behavior, use lying.

reconstruct the events.
The CGIL had learned from an article of the existence of holding "secret" to which they are attended by government representatives and the CISL and UIL "Milleproroghe.
was informed on Thursday afternoon, 3.2 of a possible meeting on Friday morning when the call came in course of Italy at 19:41.
was not aware nor what it "would be discussed", (the agenda of the meeting was agreement for the regulation of the transitional institutions reward of Legislative Decree 150/2009) nor knew the text of the Agreement on the morning of 4.2 the secretary of the CISL FPS, as well as some of the participants at the table, throwing, and he denied the existence and apparently had been discussed and shared in the previous days.
It 'still a curious conception of labor relations that for which some unions negotiate separately and secretly, and others must be informed and perhaps sign with a smile! That
text of which was denied its existence, was too fixed in the course of the intervention of the Secretary of Confsal, but not Fps CISL if they have noticed, since the technical details yet on this website does not contain the fix.
How sad! I used to another category of CISL with which to confront, argue, share battles, but always in the fairness and mutual respect, at least for my part has never failed and never will not.
But obviously things have changed.
not make formal notice because the false statements and lies are removed from the text published on the site, but hopefully optimistic that this will happen.
If the Secretary wants to support a comparison of what that said, I'm ready. The Coordinator of the Department

Michele Gentile


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