published Dear Colleague I am writing ... CGIL Congress
Dear colleague, dear colleague,
imagine - for a moment - you have a good level of classification in a body that pays more or less normally, productivity and in 2009 the state of your monthly salary is, exaggerate, 1800 € overall.
Well, because as you know, our country has not been hit by the economic crisis, at least according to our rulers, and your € 1800 package will remain such, not a cent more, for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Four years during which everything will increase, unless the economic value of your work. You'll pay more for health benefits and services that municipalities no longer be able to ensure the current rates, for travel now without toll roads, for inflation to continue to run despite the government of the country. In the meantime, will retire with a year's delay, and if you're a woman, you run the risk of not being able to log in as before. The liquidation Then you will see it in three annual tranches. You seem a little? Then we add yet another limitation of the turnover and the certainty that many temporary workers will go out of business (which means a bell'aumento of your workload).
"This time a maneuver is more balanced than usual: the policy and pay more tax evaders." Perhaps the Secretary General of the important union confederation that has made this statement is in possession of information denied to the CGIL. A maneuver which accounts for two thirds of the public work and budgets of local self-government has balanced the cut only, equity, rights of the world of paid work.
hear also, in these hours, other trade unions who claim to be adamantly opposed vigorously and responsibly agree with the maneuver, in any way without posing problems of credibility or reliability. The CGIL
instead, and with good peace of Brunetta, called the workers to demonstrate against this maneuver, the low, low, butcher social, because you can not endure beyond the continuous questioning of rights, this time, it will be lost if forever.
For this June 12 in Rome where we will all hope to meet you too, dear colleague. Ps
the initial example is exaggerated. But to start the letter with a salary lower it seemed tactless against those who earn ten, fifteen times our average amounts, has made an effort to smash, so ultimately, the public work.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Male Genital Tattoo Gallery
Maneuver anti-crisis
a brief piece of the article by Massimo Giannini, Iniquity irresponsible, published today.
"The iniquity of this social movement derives from the same ideological irresponsibility. It is right to cut public spending and unproductive current, which mainly center-right government have increased in recent years at rates in excess of 2% per year. But it is clear to everyone that this time the blow is never as unbalanced and "classy." It weighs almost entirely on the shoulders of the civil service. No one denies the pockets of inefficiency and its "privileges" that lurk in this area: the impossibility of being fired or cassintegrati to contract renewals often greater than the rate of inflation. But nobody can deny that wage levels in the public sector are already low in absolute and often very low. How do I ask the more painful tribute to those 3 million and 600 thousand civil servants who earn on average 1,200 euro per month, no questions asked infinitely superior to those who have incomes in the private sector, professions, businesses? And how can you not see that Germany, Fringe and Britain have launched operations even more severe, requiring blood and tears, first of all to the better-off classes and banks? ".
For journalist I would be counted among those 3 million and 600 thousand civil servants who are paid on average € 1200 per month ...
I would ask the journalist to make a brief tour of Web sites and view the unions, pay scales of the fund AFAM.
even splitting the thirteenth arrival to 1000 € monthly, since the salary of December including a Thirteenth supertassato viene.
I would, but it's my wishful thinking, that Mr Berlusconi, on his behalf or Mr. Brunetta, who consider themselves both gentlemen, both at the service of Italian citizens (well paid, I might add), I would like, I said, it was one of them a dirmi personalmente, senza tergiversare, senza infiocchettare con inutili panegirici di futuri migliori, che il mio stipendio resterà tale e quale fino al 2013. Perché sarebbe un controsenso, ora, rinnovare il contratto ai dipendenti AFAM, dopo aver decretato il blocco stipendiale e contrattuale ai dipendenti pubblici.
L’iniquità è soprattutto il fatto che i due signori, capo del governo dei cittadini italiani il primo, ministro dei cittadini italiani il secondo, con 900 euro si fanno una cena, io sono costretta a viverci per un mese.
Disonestà è l’aver plagiato gli italiani facendogli credere che le tasse non aumentavano. Bollette alla mano: il bollo d’automobile è aumentato, electricity has increased, the water is increased, the gas is increased. So for most of the food for the home, clothing, rents. In contrast, less work, more unemployed, more cassintegrati.
Gelmini proposed to postpone the opening of the school year to allow families more vacation. He wants to be the minister, if you feel decent person, explaining in no uncertain terms, without unnecessary panegyric, how does one go on holiday feeling € 900 per month salary?
I have listed three people, but I could add more, for example, the distinguished Dr. Joseph Pizza, undersecretary of the Ministry I pay. Where to go on holiday Dr Pizza? With the money to whom? How to spend your vacation? A sum amounting my entire annual salary?
I also another question. When I am asked to do overtime which will not pay me, as I do? Say yes, for love of country, or .... ?
But I have a doubt. That the persons named (I am not referring to the journalist of the republic) is not at all decent, or honest, and continue to make fools Italian citizens (who vote for them to persist year after year).
Marò! Italian politicians all, but you just suck!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Bad Poptropica Onlinegame
They told me that there's no snakes in Sardinia. However, are not so sure ... Of those with two legs there are several, and those without, with many "moron" that hold you keep at home to show off to friends ... you never know.
I have also said that there is only one venomous spider, Latrodectus the tredecimguttatus, commonly Malmignatta.
I'm afraid that is not true.
Today I photographed in a campaign that was not the Latrodectus Tredecimguttatus, but equally poisonous. A
Hogne radiata, a Cheiracanthium punctorium (non-lethal but one of the few poisonous spiders Italian) and other spiders looking very reassuring at the moment still unknown.
Beautiful campaign!!
January 17, 2011
A friendly arachnologists Forum NaturaMediterraneo pointed out to me that he had taken a big spider, er, claw. What was supposed to be a Latrodectus is actually a Steatoda paukulliana .
My mistake arose because, on the back of this spider was a red stripe, and receiving associated immediately fearful Latrodectus.
As explained to me the kind Luigi "the Steatoda paykuliana just become adulta ha una mezzaluna gialla; da anziana ce l'ha rossa e a volte la perde diventando tutta nera”.
Meglio così. Ma non crediate che questo bel ragno sia innocuo. Anche lui azzanna se si sente in pericolo e, se anche il suo veleno non è mortale, la corsa al pronto soccorso è d’obbligo. Quindi, attenzione! Mai razzolare nel terreno a mani nude ma sempre coi guanti.
In ogni caso, se proprio di un Latrodectus si deve parlare nel post, eccone una, trovata a circa tre metri dalla tana della Steatoda (motivo in più che mi ha fatto cadere in errore, credendole parenti strette). L’ Argia (come la chiamano in Sardegna) o s’Arza , è, se vogliamo, pure more beautiful with her red polka dots (hence the scientific name: Latrodectus tredecimguttatus ). E 'but far more dangerous if it bites when disturbed, a hazard that leads to death. It is not aggressive and if left alone does not stick. Do not be reckless and do not stuzzicatela: it has eight legs and is faster than us humans.
They told me that there's no snakes in Sardinia. However, are not so sure ... Of those with two legs there are several, and those without, with many "moron" that hold you keep at home to show off to friends ... you never know.
I have also said that there is only one venomous spider, Latrodectus the tredecimguttatus, commonly Malmignatta.
I'm afraid that is not true.
Today I photographed in a campaign that was not the Latrodectus Tredecimguttatus, but equally poisonous. A
Hogne radiata, a Cheiracanthium punctorium (non-lethal but one of the few poisonous spiders Italian) and other spiders looking very reassuring at the moment still unknown.
Beautiful campaign!!
Corrigenda January 17, 2011
A friendly arachnologists Forum NaturaMediterraneo pointed out to me that he had taken a big spider, er, claw. What was supposed to be a Latrodectus is actually a Steatoda paukulliana .
My mistake arose because, on the back of this spider was a red stripe, and receiving associated immediately fearful Latrodectus.
As explained to me the kind Luigi "the Steatoda paykuliana just become adulta ha una mezzaluna gialla; da anziana ce l'ha rossa e a volte la perde diventando tutta nera”.
Meglio così. Ma non crediate che questo bel ragno sia innocuo. Anche lui azzanna se si sente in pericolo e, se anche il suo veleno non è mortale, la corsa al pronto soccorso è d’obbligo. Quindi, attenzione! Mai razzolare nel terreno a mani nude ma sempre coi guanti.
In ogni caso, se proprio di un Latrodectus si deve parlare nel post, eccone una, trovata a circa tre metri dalla tana della Steatoda (motivo in più che mi ha fatto cadere in errore, credendole parenti strette). L’ Argia (come la chiamano in Sardegna) o s’Arza , è, se vogliamo, pure more beautiful with her red polka dots (hence the scientific name: Latrodectus tredecimguttatus ). E 'but far more dangerous if it bites when disturbed, a hazard that leads to death. It is not aggressive and if left alone does not stick. Do not be reckless and do not stuzzicatela: it has eight legs and is faster than us humans.

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Welcome Letters For Wedding Guests
election campaign in Sassari
E 'started the campaign. Phone calls came from friends nearly forgotten so much time has elapsed since the last visit, you realize that one in this list, and you know it, know it's decent person, who will make the citizens' interests, etc.. etc. The mailboxes are filled with leaflets that will end instantly in paper bag for recycling. The streets are cleaner than usual. Soon we will inaugurate the new Municipal Auditorium. Cappellacci publicly proclaimed the start of work on another Sassari - Olbia. Scajola has done just in time to sign the authorization for the expansion of coal power plant at Porto Torres and Saudi Ramco is about to acquire the vinyls, so as to bring home the cassintegrati Asinara.
In short, the sun shines in Sardinia (so to speak) and all is well.
What is the usual pre-election period?
I suspect that sia così.
La disoccupazione in provincia di Sassari è del 20%. Seguono Nuoro e Oristano con il 19%. Sempre a Oristano un giovane su due è disoccupato. Nel complesso la Sardegna è la regione che conta il più alto tasso di disoccupazione giovanile con quasi il 45%.
Ma che ce ne importa? Fra poco potremo andare a sentire gli emuli di Pavarotti nel meraviglioso nuovo Auditorium, iniziato circa 13 (o più) anni fa e costato milioni di euro.
Perché la gente non pensi bisogna farla divertire, pensare ad altro, piuttosto che alle proprie miserie.
Se diamo uno sguardo alla classifica del 2009 de IlSole24Ore sull’indice di benessere delle provicie italiane, vedremo che quelle sarde sono agli ultimi posti; Sassari dopo le altre all’87° posto.
Possiamo dire che stiamo meglio dei siracusani, all’ultimo posto della classifica. Ma questo non mi pare motivo di orgoglio.
Le strade continuano a essere crivellate di buche, i marciapiedi piste pericolose, le corsie ospedaliere prive di personale, una visita da uno specialista un terno al lotto, il centro di assistenza sociale intasato, i crimini verso le donne aumentati così come è aumentata la delinquenza giovanile e l’alcolismo. I trasporti pubblici continuano ad essere una chimera: il treno è sostituito dalle corriere, alle fermate degli autobus cittadini There are no schedules in return now some feature of a modern display that show the time and an advertising phrase .... Due to the lack of public transport on the island are intasatissime the streets from cars to travel and should make the gymkhana.
One Note "positive": the black very well and produces wealth held constant, otherwise you do not understand how, in this island by the primacy of unemployment, there are so many BMW and Mercedes SUVs, all gleaming luster.
are just some of the reasons not to vote nor the center-right, nor the center, which Walking and Talking to the people but did not nothing like their predecessors, if not to give a patina of prestige more to confuse. Needless, to me, decorated with bows pack a vacuum: if there is nothing in the bow I do not do anything.
For the rest, reported verbatim the letter of one of the candidates ample, which illustrates it better than I know, the reasons for our list.
Dear friends and comrades,
As you undoubtedly know the organization they are spokesperson has decided to present a list of support Bruno Bellomonte as a candidate Mayor of the city of Sassari.
Bruno is a station master, recognized and respected trade unionist, founder and director of A pro s'Indipendentzia missing. For more than a year is buried in Catanzaro prison awaiting trial, accused of planning to bomb with remote-controlled toy airplane ships that were supposed to host the heads of state during the G8 summit in La Maddalena.
Obviously there is no evidence, no plan, no clue, no structure that could have allowed such an effective military operation. The truth is that Bruno is in for his ideas of independence of the left, ie the ideas for which there is always personal commitment in all the struggles in recent years have inspired and carried out together.
Some journalists have asked me if it is a provocation and I said that is not the case at all and not rhetoric. Bruno candidate for mayor is not a provocation, but an act of freedom and dignity and ask you to vote for our list with Bruno mayor means breaking with the false balances of businessman and political ideals and has lost its place at the center of political debate and Sassari Sardinia the question of freedom and independence for dell'agibilità policy to carry out their political work and social life.
Provocation is to present lists such as the Northern League, behind which there are fascists wheeler overpaid and protected! Provocation is a candidate for the usual suspects that have devastated and destroyed our city and North Sardinia. Provocation is declared to the left or sardisti coalitions and support sustained and supported by the strong powers of colonialism, from lobbies, banks, speculators of every stripe. Challenge is to request a vote by people whose sole purpose, the personal and social climbing that was never committed to causes beyond its interest to come out of the shop!
Therefore, for the first time after many years of intense political and social activities and everyday, I ask you to support me in candidacy for City Council and especially Bruno Bellomonte to vote for the office of mayor.
I ask you to run this email and the material that explains the reasons for our choice. You liked all kinds of support, such as the spread of electoral material and even small loans to the campaign (obviously we do not have the means of the major parties of their vast power and patronage!).
Thank you in advance for your cooperation to secure an ideal rely so important!
Every day we open the election office from 17:30 on a Cetti (between Corso and the Piazza Tola), where you can deal with i nostri candidati e ritirare il materiale elettorale da diffondere!
Cristiano Sabino
Candidato al consiglio comunale di Sassari con “A Manca pro s’Indipendentzia
Friday, May 7, 2010
List Of Gay Cruise Spots
The salaries of state
Nuova polemica su a proposito degli statali.
Stavolta è la Corte dei Conti a dire la sua, e cioè per aumentare lo stipendio agli statali bisogna prima valutarne la produttività. Secondo loro, c’è stata sì una congiuntura (cioè una diminuizione del personale) ma i costi sono aumentati.
Mi chiedo in base what we have been increases.
due to higher consulting?
due to higher Stipendiari of ministers and deputies?
due to higher procurement?
due to higher logistics?
Because of € 9.69 gross contractual vacation I return to my paycheck?
People who have read this blog know that my contract expired sector for years. The ministers are well aware and it is precisely because of this block contract that I get paid 9.69 euro gross ones.
For a day's strike caused due to the non-renewal, + 8 days of illness caused by the organization of work I have had to stand in the middle to the airflow (and I would like to see who would not be sick), I have retained € 51.30.
In April, despite the regalia of his magnanimity Messer brunette with additionality held ministerial regional and municipal income tax, my net has not even come to 900 €.
Then there is to do a break on overtime and incentives.
Overtime I get paid a year later, without interest and with a tax ranging from 27% to 42% depending on the government and the minister.
incentives. Even these are paid annually and between one thing and another, net of tax, last year I received 800 net. This year, if there are, I say IF, because the administration does not take money, will be halved. But it does not work. That will remain the same, instead increase due to less money in cash, and fewer staff.
Interesting comments from readers of Two different contrasts: on one hand those who dispute the Court of Auditors for their declaration, wondering who will make that assessment in the first place: the officers and directors ammanicati politicians? Across a large group that cheers on meritocracy, thus believing that the corruption in government disappear.
Blessed are the poor. I really believe that the evaluation of employees by managers serve to weed out the good from the bad employee? Since that policy is made in Italy, the environment state was the bottomless pit in which set up friends of friends, acquaintances, relatives, lovers of the elected guy. A small proportion came by chance, through competitive or, like me, by the employment office. And we believe the Boeotian most of the Italians that the assessment is discriminatory towards the friends of friends? Take a look provinces, regions, places where others have pocketed more than these people.
Many of the players mentioning their salaries, ranging from 1200 euro in su, e mettono l’accento su quanto sia difficile vivere con un simile stipendio. Che dire del mio? Sono anch’io statale, di ruolo, eppure 1000 euro mensili non li ho mai percepiti. Col mio stipendio, a Bologna, dovevo far fronte a un affitto di 400 mensili e tutte le altre spese, medicinali compresi perché non avevo diritto all’esenzione. Come dicevo più su, da quest’anno mi taglieranno anche gli incentivi.
In base a cosa, la Corte dei Conti afferma che il mio costo è aumentato?
Il mio lavoro produce benessere agli utenti, malessere a me.
I sindacati snobbano la mia categoria, considerata di serie zeta. Eppure some schools were not open just because of the lack of caretakers. On the other hand, my class has no strength, no spirit or body to enforcement action, leaving that part of the state savings always march on us, over our heads and our pockets.
The newspaper snubs us, having never made a serious service on the class, but merely report the facts of the crime involving janitors, or borderline cases of absenteeism. The only one who dared to bring any of the information was to pseudogiornalista whose name is Victor Felts, about salaries: in his monthly perceive more than a teacher of the first band. The same, however, non ha mai reso pubblico il suo, di stipendio. Il mio è scritto chiaramente sulle tabelle inserite on-line dalle varie sigle sindacali.
Un'ultima cosa. Se mai rinnoveranno il mio contratto, a me aumenteranno una fesseria... voci di corridoio parlano di 20 - 30 euro. Sempre voci di corridoio dicono che non ci verranno versati gli arretrati a causa della crisi (mai per i politici). Ai dirigenti invece verrà fatto un aumento molto consistente livellando gli stipendi dei vari direttori: in su, naturalmente.....
C’è altro da dire? O da fare? L’unica cosa che mi viene in mente è di sputare in faccia ai vari governanti e loro amici di merende, funzionari unknown to most who pocket hundreds of thousands if not millions of € with the unique duty to promote this or that character. Amen.
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