Thursday, May 27, 2010

Male Genital Tattoo Gallery

Maneuver anti-crisis

a brief piece of the article by Massimo Giannini, Iniquity irresponsible, published today.
"The iniquity of this social movement derives from the same ideological irresponsibility. It is right to cut public spending and unproductive current, which mainly center-right government have increased in recent years at rates in excess of 2% per year. But it is clear to everyone that this time the blow is never as unbalanced and "classy." It weighs almost entirely on the shoulders of the civil service. No one denies the pockets of inefficiency and its "privileges" that lurk in this area: the impossibility of being fired or cassintegrati to contract renewals often greater than the rate of inflation. But nobody can deny that wage levels in the public sector are already low in absolute and often very low. How do I ask the more painful tribute to those 3 million and 600 thousand civil servants who earn on average 1,200 euro per month, no questions asked infinitely superior to those who have incomes in the private sector, professions, businesses? And how can you not see that Germany, Fringe and Britain have launched operations even more severe, requiring blood and tears, first of all to the better-off classes and banks? ".

For journalist I would be counted among those 3 million and 600 thousand civil servants who are paid on average € 1200 per month ...
I would ask the journalist to make a brief tour of Web sites and view the unions, pay scales of the fund AFAM.
even splitting the thirteenth arrival to 1000 € monthly, since the salary of December including a Thirteenth supertassato viene.
I would, but it's my wishful thinking, that Mr Berlusconi, on his behalf or Mr. Brunetta, who consider themselves both gentlemen, both at the service of Italian citizens (well paid, I might add), I would like, I said, it was one of them a dirmi personalmente, senza tergiversare, senza infiocchettare con inutili panegirici di futuri migliori, che il mio stipendio resterà tale e quale fino al 2013. Perché sarebbe un controsenso, ora, rinnovare il contratto ai dipendenti AFAM, dopo aver decretato il blocco stipendiale e contrattuale ai dipendenti pubblici.
L’iniquità è soprattutto il fatto che i due signori, capo del governo dei cittadini italiani il primo, ministro dei cittadini italiani il secondo, con 900 euro si fanno una cena, io sono costretta a viverci per un mese.
Disonestà è l’aver plagiato gli italiani facendogli credere che le tasse non aumentavano. Bollette alla mano: il bollo d’automobile è aumentato, electricity has increased, the water is increased, the gas is increased. So for most of the food for the home, clothing, rents. In contrast, less work, more unemployed, more cassintegrati.
Gelmini proposed to postpone the opening of the school year to allow families more vacation. He wants to be the minister, if you feel decent person, explaining in no uncertain terms, without unnecessary panegyric, how does one go on holiday feeling € 900 per month salary?
I have listed three people, but I could add more, for example, the distinguished Dr. Joseph Pizza, undersecretary of the Ministry I pay. Where to go on holiday Dr Pizza? With the money to whom? How to spend your vacation? A sum amounting my entire annual salary?
I also another question. When I am asked to do overtime which will not pay me, as I do? Say yes, for love of country, or .... ?
But I have a doubt. That the persons named (I am not referring to the journalist of the republic) is not at all decent, or honest, and continue to make fools Italian citizens (who vote for them to persist year after year).

Marò! Italian politicians all, but you just suck!


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