Friday, May 7, 2010

List Of Gay Cruise Spots

The salaries of state

Nuova polemica su a proposito degli statali.
Stavolta è la Corte dei Conti a dire la sua, e cioè per aumentare lo stipendio agli statali bisogna prima valutarne la produttività. Secondo loro, c’è stata sì una congiuntura (cioè una diminuizione del personale) ma i costi sono aumentati.

Mi chiedo in base what we have been increases.
due to higher consulting?
due to higher Stipendiari of ministers and deputies?
due to higher procurement?
due to higher logistics?
Because of € 9.69 gross contractual vacation I return to my paycheck?

People who have read this blog know that my contract expired sector for years. The ministers are well aware and it is precisely because of this block contract that I get paid 9.69 euro gross ones.
For a day's strike caused due to the non-renewal, + 8 days of illness caused by the organization of work I have had to stand in the middle to the airflow (and I would like to see who would not be sick), I have retained € 51.30.
In April, despite the regalia of his magnanimity Messer brunette with additionality held ministerial regional and municipal income tax, my net has not even come to 900 €.

Then there is to do a break on overtime and incentives.
Overtime I get paid a year later, without interest and with a tax ranging from 27% to 42% depending on the government and the minister.
incentives. Even these are paid annually and between one thing and another, net of tax, last year I received 800 net. This year, if there are, I say IF, because the administration does not take money, will be halved. But it does not work. That will remain the same, instead increase due to less money in cash, and fewer staff.

Interesting comments from readers of Two different contrasts: on one hand those who dispute the Court of Auditors for their declaration, wondering who will make that assessment in the first place: the officers and directors ammanicati politicians? Across a large group that cheers on meritocracy, thus believing that the corruption in government disappear.
Blessed are the poor. I really believe that the evaluation of employees by managers serve to weed out the good from the bad employee? Since that policy is made in Italy, the environment state was the bottomless pit in which set up friends of friends, acquaintances, relatives, lovers of the elected guy. A small proportion came by chance, through competitive or, like me, by the employment office. And we believe the Boeotian most of the Italians that the assessment is discriminatory towards the friends of friends? Take a look provinces, regions, places where others have pocketed more than these people.

Many of the players mentioning their salaries, ranging from 1200 euro in su, e mettono l’accento su quanto sia difficile vivere con un simile stipendio. Che dire del mio? Sono anch’io statale, di ruolo, eppure 1000 euro mensili non li ho mai percepiti. Col mio stipendio, a Bologna, dovevo far fronte a un affitto di 400 mensili e tutte le altre spese, medicinali compresi perché non avevo diritto all’esenzione. Come dicevo più su, da quest’anno mi taglieranno anche gli incentivi.

In base a cosa, la Corte dei Conti afferma che il mio costo è aumentato?
Il mio lavoro produce benessere agli utenti, malessere a me.

I sindacati snobbano la mia categoria, considerata di serie zeta. Eppure some schools were not open just because of the lack of caretakers. On the other hand, my class has no strength, no spirit or body to enforcement action, leaving that part of the state savings always march on us, over our heads and our pockets.
The newspaper snubs us, having never made a serious service on the class, but merely report the facts of the crime involving janitors, or borderline cases of absenteeism. The only one who dared to bring any of the information was to pseudogiornalista whose name is Victor Felts, about salaries: in his monthly perceive more than a teacher of the first band. The same, however, non ha mai reso pubblico il suo, di stipendio. Il mio è scritto chiaramente sulle tabelle inserite on-line dalle varie sigle sindacali.

Un'ultima cosa. Se mai rinnoveranno il mio contratto, a me aumenteranno una fesseria... voci di corridoio parlano di 20 - 30 euro. Sempre voci di corridoio dicono che non ci verranno versati gli arretrati a causa della crisi (mai per i politici). Ai dirigenti invece verrà fatto un aumento molto consistente livellando gli stipendi dei vari direttori: in su, naturalmente.....

C’è altro da dire? O da fare? L’unica cosa che mi viene in mente è di sputare in faccia ai vari governanti e loro amici di merende, funzionari unknown to most who pocket hundreds of thousands if not millions of € with the unique duty to promote this or that character. Amen.


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