Thursday, May 27, 2010

Waterfalls Cornwall Devon

published Dear Colleague I am writing ... CGIL Congress

Dear colleague, dear colleague,
imagine - for a moment - you have a good level of classification in a body that pays more or less normally, productivity and in 2009 the state of your monthly salary is, exaggerate, 1800 € overall.
Well, because as you know, our country has not been hit by the economic crisis, at least according to our rulers, and your € 1800 package will remain such, not a cent more, for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Four years during which everything will increase, unless the economic value of your work. You'll pay more for health benefits and services that municipalities no longer be able to ensure the current rates, for travel now without toll roads, for inflation to continue to run despite the government of the country. In the meantime, will retire with a year's delay, and if you're a woman, you run the risk of not being able to log in as before. The liquidation Then you will see it in three annual tranches. You seem a little? Then we add yet another limitation of the turnover and the certainty that many temporary workers will go out of business (which means a bell'aumento of your workload).
"This time a maneuver is more balanced than usual: the policy and pay more tax evaders." Perhaps the Secretary General of the important union confederation that has made this statement is in possession of information denied to the CGIL. A maneuver which accounts for two thirds of the public work and budgets of local self-government has balanced the cut only, equity, rights of the world of paid work.
hear also, in these hours, other trade unions who claim to be adamantly opposed vigorously and responsibly agree with the maneuver, in any way without posing problems of credibility or reliability. The CGIL
instead, and with good peace of Brunetta, called the workers to demonstrate against this maneuver, the low, low, butcher social, because you can not endure beyond the continuous questioning of rights, this time, it will be lost if forever.
For this June 12 in Rome where we will all hope to meet you too, dear colleague. Ps
the initial example is exaggerated. But to start the letter with a salary lower it seemed tactless against those who earn ten, fifteen times our average amounts, has made an effort to smash, so ultimately, the public work.


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