Saturday, May 8, 2010

Welcome Letters For Wedding Guests

election campaign in Sassari

E 'started the campaign. Phone calls came from friends nearly forgotten so much time has elapsed since the last visit, you realize that one in this list, and you know it, know it's decent person, who will make the citizens' interests, etc.. etc. The mailboxes are filled with leaflets that will end instantly in paper bag for recycling. The streets are cleaner than usual. Soon we will inaugurate the new Municipal Auditorium. Cappellacci publicly proclaimed the start of work on another Sassari - Olbia. Scajola has done just in time to sign the authorization for the expansion of coal power plant at Porto Torres and Saudi Ramco is about to acquire the vinyls, so as to bring home the cassintegrati Asinara.
In short, the sun shines in Sardinia (so to speak) and all is well.
What is the usual pre-election period?
I suspect that sia così.
La disoccupazione in provincia di Sassari è del 20%. Seguono Nuoro e Oristano con il 19%. Sempre a Oristano un giovane su due è disoccupato. Nel complesso la Sardegna è la regione che conta il più alto tasso di disoccupazione giovanile con quasi il 45%.

Ma che ce ne importa? Fra poco potremo andare a sentire gli emuli di Pavarotti nel meraviglioso nuovo Auditorium, iniziato circa 13 (o più) anni fa e costato milioni di euro.
Perché la gente non pensi bisogna farla divertire, pensare ad altro, piuttosto che alle proprie miserie.
Se diamo uno sguardo alla classifica del 2009 de IlSole24Ore sull’indice di benessere delle provicie italiane, vedremo che quelle sarde sono agli ultimi posti; Sassari dopo le altre all’87° posto.
Possiamo dire che stiamo meglio dei siracusani, all’ultimo posto della classifica. Ma questo non mi pare motivo di orgoglio.

Le strade continuano a essere crivellate di buche, i marciapiedi piste pericolose, le corsie ospedaliere prive di personale, una visita da uno specialista un terno al lotto, il centro di assistenza sociale intasato, i crimini verso le donne aumentati così come è aumentata la delinquenza giovanile e l’alcolismo. I trasporti pubblici continuano ad essere una chimera: il treno è sostituito dalle corriere, alle fermate degli autobus cittadini There are no schedules in return now some feature of a modern display that show the time and an advertising phrase .... Due to the lack of public transport on the island are intasatissime the streets from cars to travel and should make the gymkhana.
One Note "positive": the black very well and produces wealth held constant, otherwise you do not understand how, in this island by the primacy of unemployment, there are so many BMW and Mercedes SUVs, all gleaming luster.

are just some of the reasons not to vote nor the center-right, nor the center, which Walking and Talking to the people but did not nothing like their predecessors, if not to give a patina of prestige more to confuse. Needless, to me, decorated with bows pack a vacuum: if there is nothing in the bow I do not do anything.
For the rest, reported verbatim the letter of one of the candidates ample, which illustrates it better than I know, the reasons for our list.


Dear friends and comrades,
As you undoubtedly know the organization they are spokesperson has decided to present a list of support Bruno Bellomonte as a candidate Mayor of the city of Sassari.
Bruno is a station master, recognized and respected trade unionist, founder and director of A pro s'Indipendentzia missing. For more than a year is buried in Catanzaro prison awaiting trial, accused of planning to bomb with remote-controlled toy airplane ships that were supposed to host the heads of state during the G8 summit in La Maddalena.
Obviously there is no evidence, no plan, no clue, no structure that could have allowed such an effective military operation. The truth is that Bruno is in for his ideas of independence of the left, ie the ideas for which there is always personal commitment in all the struggles in recent years have inspired and carried out together.
Some journalists have asked me if it is a provocation and I said that is not the case at all and not rhetoric. Bruno candidate for mayor is not a provocation, but an act of freedom and dignity and ask you to vote for our list with Bruno mayor means breaking with the false balances of businessman and political ideals and has lost its place at the center of political debate and Sassari Sardinia the question of freedom and independence for dell'agibilità policy to carry out their political work and social life.
Provocation is to present lists such as the Northern League, behind which there are fascists wheeler overpaid and protected! Provocation is a candidate for the usual suspects that have devastated and destroyed our city and North Sardinia. Provocation is declared to the left or sardisti coalitions and support sustained and supported by the strong powers of colonialism, from lobbies, banks, speculators of every stripe. Challenge is to request a vote by people whose sole purpose, the personal and social climbing that was never committed to causes beyond its interest to come out of the shop!
Therefore, for the first time after many years of intense political and social activities and everyday, I ask you to support me in candidacy for City Council and especially Bruno Bellomonte to vote for the office of mayor.
I ask you to run this email and the material that explains the reasons for our choice. You liked all kinds of support, such as the spread of electoral material and even small loans to the campaign (obviously we do not have the means of the major parties of their vast power and patronage!).
Thank you in advance for your cooperation to secure an ideal rely so important!
Every day we open the election office from 17:30 on a Cetti (between Corso and the Piazza Tola), where you can deal with i nostri candidati e ritirare il materiale elettorale da diffondere!

Cristiano Sabino
Candidato al consiglio comunale di Sassari con “A Manca pro s’Indipendentzia


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