They told me that there's no snakes in Sardinia. However, are not so sure ... Of those with two legs there are several, and those without, with many "moron" that hold you keep at home to show off to friends ... you never know.
I have also said that there is only one venomous spider, Latrodectus the tredecimguttatus, commonly Malmignatta.
I'm afraid that is not true.
Today I photographed in a campaign that was not the Latrodectus Tredecimguttatus, but equally poisonous. A
Hogne radiata, a Cheiracanthium punctorium (non-lethal but one of the few poisonous spiders Italian) and other spiders looking very reassuring at the moment still unknown.
Beautiful campaign!!
Corrigenda January 17, 2011
A friendly arachnologists Forum NaturaMediterraneo pointed out to me that he had taken a big spider, er, claw. What was supposed to be a Latrodectus is actually a Steatoda paukulliana .
My mistake arose because, on the back of this spider was a red stripe, and receiving associated immediately fearful Latrodectus.
As explained to me the kind Luigi "the Steatoda paykuliana just become adulta ha una mezzaluna gialla; da anziana ce l'ha rossa e a volte la perde diventando tutta nera”.
Meglio così. Ma non crediate che questo bel ragno sia innocuo. Anche lui azzanna se si sente in pericolo e, se anche il suo veleno non è mortale, la corsa al pronto soccorso è d’obbligo. Quindi, attenzione! Mai razzolare nel terreno a mani nude ma sempre coi guanti.
In ogni caso, se proprio di un Latrodectus si deve parlare nel post, eccone una, trovata a circa tre metri dalla tana della Steatoda (motivo in più che mi ha fatto cadere in errore, credendole parenti strette). L’ Argia (come la chiamano in Sardegna) o s’Arza , è, se vogliamo, pure more beautiful with her red polka dots (hence the scientific name: Latrodectus tredecimguttatus ). E 'but far more dangerous if it bites when disturbed, a hazard that leads to death. It is not aggressive and if left alone does not stick. Do not be reckless and do not stuzzicatela: it has eight legs and is faster than us humans.

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