Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Boat Registration, Ontario

WELCOME TO HELL? S. Maria CV capital of rubbish?

La Giunta Provinciale ha approvato , In the not remote, missed an important decision, perhaps the attention of the public, which allows the preparation of the tender for the construction at the landfill " Maruzzella 3 " San Tammaro , of ' collection system and energy use of biogas and the treatment of leachate .
The term leachate from the landfill, means the "liquid that is originated from the infiltration of water into the mass of the waste or from the decomposition of the same" (Article 2 of Decree. 36/2003). So we can say that the leachate is nothing but a waste derived from waste themselves. Its treatment can not fail to have any substantial effect on the quality of final effluent plant, placed in surface waters.
The biogas plants, however, exploit methane emissions produced by the fermentation of waste, producing a compound of methane and carbon dioxide. Many researchers, when questioned on these plants, they argue that their release into the atmosphere, as well as hinder the rehabilitation of the area and represent a worrying aspect for site managers and for the people who live nearby, constitute a serious threat to groundwater idrica e per la stessa atmosfera . Tra l’altro il metano, presente solitamente nel biogas in   una concentrazione variabile tra il 45% ed il 60%, contribuisce enormemente alla generazione complessiva dell’effetto-serra.
Non lasciamoci fuorviare da soluzioni falsamente ecologiche proposte oggi dal mercato. Recenti studi   scientifici hanno dimostrato che soltanto una parte del biogas prodotto (l’ipocrisia del suffisso “bio” è lampante a chi la voglia leggere) verrebbe trattenuta dagli impianti , la rimanente parte verrebbe dispersa in atmosfera.

Sembra dunque che la scelta definitiva sia ormai stata fatta for the happiness of the many individuals who, on the death of citizens, realize handsome profits. We will continue undaunted in the environmental disaster so far produced by transferring indiscriminate dumping in increasingly large, mixed waste, the lack of will to accomplish even simple composting plants, the permanence of chopped screening systems as pre-treatment "pro forma" with the 'transfer of the same hours as it is crushed and, finally, the construction of incinerators.
The confirmation of this design comes from the statements made by Attorney S. Maria CV dr. Corrado Lembo, the Regional Commission Special sulle ecomafie e sulle bonifiche ambientali: “da un vero e proprio pedinamento dei sacchetti di rifiuti , effettuato in alcuni Comuni del Casertano, si è evidenziata una raccolta differenziata finta ” che mette in risalto “un interesse alla raccolta indifferenziata” ( il Mattino di Martedì 30/11/10)


Con la discarica Maruzzella situata a San Tammaro ( a pochi metri dalla nostra periferia) Continuous development and systems collection and energy use of biogas and leachate treatment under construction, there will necessarily need a anaerobic digester. Where it can be located if not within walking distance from the dump? It will not be provided was, for case, even the purpose of processing iron?
In this case, our city will be the repository of all the garbage in the province of Caserta, will become, ie, the pole of the provincial disposal.
; Che bella prospettiva.
La strada obbligata e unica per i cittadini è quella di opporsi ai programmi di morte adottati in maniera bipartisan dalla politica. L’alternativa   sarebbe quella di “ fujresenne ”.

Gerardo D’Amore                               30/11/10

On "La Repubblica":
http://www.repubblica.it/salute/prevenzione/2010/11/30/news/inquinamento_i_medici_sentinella- 9679149 /

Community Service Hours Template

problems large and small

Among Assange revealing the secret of Punchinello; pastors who block roads, workers on the towers Immigration on the crane; brawl between members; jeers from senators, a brazen robbery continues as part of policies and their proteges, friends, family, the protests of the students and temporary workers, and my question would seem a real silly, a Bruscolino of sand in the desert.
But here is what it is.
After years of delay was eventually renewed Negotiable Afam, valid until 2009, then newly born already old and expired. Few innovations, not the increase in respect of my category, about 60 euro gross per month. We also had the infamous back, our dear politicians who wanted to keep for themselves because they do not get enough to pay for bodyguards, beauticians and pr
Also for my category and the steps which I compete, according to tables published on the web from CGIL and unams , the sum should be equal to € 3187 gross in August 2010. According to tables published by the ICFTU , is the sum of € 3889.44 gross in September 2010.

I, I felt gross € 2821.66 in August.
More than a thousand Euros less in accordance with the CISL, CGIL and the second € 365.34 unams.

Asked the motivation to cisl: nothing, no one knows.
Asked the motivation to CGIL: still no answer.

But it will be a problem so down to earth, so purely material, so trivial when the whole of Italy has been rocked by problems much more serious?
I can not be satisfied with what had and be silent? Better a part of anything, as saying he felt last year.

But I do not seem a minor issue, if only for the silence that they have achieved. That is, let us assume that, as we stroll blissfully down the street, a mugger robs us of the portfolio. What do we do? The instinct is to scream, to chase the criminals and recover the stolen goods. Instead, according to the logic of arrears, we must be silent, perhaps to be happy.
Without giving the thief a priori to anyone, I admit that there may be an error in the tables and thus do not correspond to reality. Well, if so, why not say so? Is it not the role of unions to control what is put down on paper and signed by both the corresponding?

Or, are the usual Baluba, accustomed to put up with any injustice by bending the head without saying a word. Someone, I believe a teacher said that my problem is insignificant, that we must first solve the problems of students. Agree more that students should be given greater attention, and I wonder why, then, as we agree that the school is for students and for the study, teaching, and we are merely caretakers support, how come they have agreed to reduce the hours of instruction. Reduction in hours, not material. So a teacher who taught the first eighteen hours, he teaches twelve hours weekly. This means that you will reduce the culture, the preparation of students? We all agree on the fact that the average Italian is improving, that his culture is made of GF, Friends and Gossip and the fact that unless we teach does not contribute to this? Less school hours, less hours for the culture, fewer hours for the personal development of future citizens intellectual cultural workers.
But even this is saying nothing. Indeed, no. I heard that, as with the new CCNL the presence of all staff, including teachers, must be objectively measured, that is, by tag or badge, if you prefer. This will cause many idlers must be at least "locally" for those 12 hours per week.

class war between caretakers and teachers? No, not at all. It 's just the silence, indifference. I asked my colleagues left and right if they had noticed the error on the arrears. Someone said he did not even notice it (sic), others that yes, now that I see him, had taken less money than indicated on the tables. Why? Boh! It is not for us ...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vegeta And Bulma Doujin

better differentiated than death

Gerardo D'Amore

The garbage crisis of recent days is a mirror and root cause of the deep crisis in our region. The trash is not right and / or left, it accumulates and feeds into the bowels of the policy is right, then, that its representatives should seek unity, certified, however, the bankruptcy of private-ordinary waste management and disposal of unauthorized toxic waste that caused the poisoning of soil and water and created an interest among criminal organizations, politicians, business groups and institutional apparatuses (local and national). Besides this business-political system as a whole, was able only, using the logic-emergency, to systematically violate the rule of law and to avoid any form of participation and control. The civil resistance practiced in recent years by committees, associations and movements have identified the reasons and responsibility for this process.
Today, it seems that all politicians intonino to resolve the emergency, the new anthem "volemoce well and who gave gave, those who had had". But where were when S. Maria CV on 6/13/2008 certain groups of citizens presented no. 3 proposals for resolutions on issues such as popular "waste collection" and "medical examination / environmental." And most of those proposals which was boycotted by the right and left?
idyllic climate and soporific in the last City Council of 15/11/10 scholars have felt that Councillors have called (with the left in the first line) the entry into operation of energy plants in our area as non-polluting. Obviously you have not had time to reflect on a very simple truth: "all that burns it emits smoke." It 's a fact that has no need of endorsement of Galileo Galilei. The Mayor, then, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor, has exempted insurance seraphic waste from Naples and direct the STIR unless it is publicly denied by the facts (Striscia la notizia).
-In the United States incinerators are considered the major producers of dioxins and furans (POPs) to be so far been banned from 1995 because released into the air a quantity of highly toxic molecules with ruinous consequences for people (different types of cancer, effects on the brain and appear on the immune and sexual, but especially on fetuses in the womb). Any health risk assessments, as determined by combustion, can not ignore the amount of dioxin (concentrated milk, in meat and fish) emitted by burning at high temperatures "as is", throughout the lifetime of the incinerators, which we intend to build on the regional territory (who will?).
- The Stockholm Convention May 2001, which was signed by 91 countries, calls for total ban on incineration of waste. The limits imposed by the EEC on emissions of dioxins (0.1 nanograms per cubic meter) are not synonymous with safety as you would have us believe, but only a minor health risk, and these values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to average concentrations can be obtained simply by applying the best techniques on the market.
The environmental groups are called just now and in the face of an enormous catastrophe, to work together, to sit at the same table fans of these facilities which they need, instead, only to find communities of people who do not able to recognize the danger they represent, and that neglect a fundamental aspect: no one knows how to dispose of tons of ash produced cd from incinerators.
Professor. Conn., graduated in natural sciences at the universities of Cambridge and Dartmounth and one of the world's leading experts on waste treatment, for fifteen years a professor of chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York, said: " The incinerator is the wrong approach by engineers who think the wrong side of the body, solving the waste problem is just one: stop producing them." He brought an example of a leaking water tank from which it's too full. The husband comes home and tries to resolve the issue with a glass, with a bucket and then, finally, with a basin, but the water keeps coming out. Here comes the wife and "simply" turning off the tap.
He added, moreover,: "if incinerators with three tonnes of waste it produces a ash, with zero waste solution, you will get the same amount a ton of recyclable material, a compost and above all education for all ",
not be stressed enough: the population, to contribute to this solution zero, must practice separation, composting of wet waste, recycling waste materials and divide by bringing in suitable areas.
Ordinances of the outgoing Prodi government, concerning the extension of the contributions CIP 6 (green certificates) and Campania incinerators can not burn the bales under incinerators in the Acerra-commissioner of the decision to entrust the completion of the installation FIBE Acerrano - management of landfill sites by the incoming Berlusconi government, with choices completely inadequate in terms of geological and environmental and achieved through military occupations and violent charges against people who were opposed-the lack of a serious plan for remediation and homeland security and a law on environmental crime- will outline the policy, to reach a "final solution" to annihilate the democratic process.
Environmental NGOs HAVE ALREADY 'DATA, AND FOR YEARS, THEIR CONTRIBUTION HAS NOT unheard and unfortunately no desire to rise to the role of co-OF DISASTERS PRODUCED BY ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY.

1. Elimination of incineration or waste to energy "from the list of those who have access to the state contribution CIP6 , horrible wording that indicates all the public money used to finance energy projects" little renewable, "but treated as" real renewable energy sources (sun, wind, biomass, underground). Funding must be tied to the actual start of Collection and recycling waste material produced (particularly in relation to organic recyclable at least 70/80%) made door-to-door, with a direct responsibility not only of individual users, but especially for people who require ongoing sizes and more resources: much less, however, those which have been squandered in years of nefarious operations.
2. institution in our province cancer registry.
3. distribution for large blocks of home composting.
Commissari straordinario, Governatori Regionali , Presidenti di Province, Sindaci e Prefetture, hanno i poteri per anticipare l’indirizzo che si sta facendo spazio nelle politiche ambientali dell’Unione Europea e che potrebbe essere adottato in una situazione dì emergenza come la nostra:
4.      per i prodotti da banco e per la frutta e verdura, confezionata su ingombranti quanto inutili vassoietti, la soluzione potrebbe essere quella di usare obbligatoriamente sacchetti più leggeri e riciclabili;
5.      per molti hygiene and health products should be required minimal packaging, already on the market, or the "unpacking" of the product at the cash;
6. for durable goods, the withdrawal of the packaging to delivery. The businesses and their suppliers will have to activate, with the assistance of their associations and chambers of commerce, channel packages are sent directly recovered by treatment facilities or bottling, without burdening the household waste collection (is the "logistics return ");
7. for all liquid foods (including mineral water, of which there is an immoderate consumption in Italy for the inability of the aqueducts) that the sale should be restricted to those in containers, as in many European countries;
8. other disposable can be deterred with additional taxes ad hoc (an advance on waste disposal costs) or subsidizing reusable alternatives. . "Active population" of S. Maria CV18/11/10

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Solutions Jeux Pusooy.net

Everything You Always Wanted to Know on the former CDR S. Maria CV (but were afraid to ask). With attached film of "Striscia la Notizia". Dumping at the STIR

The acronym stands for STIR (tritovagliatura establishments and packaging waste)
Former CDR plants from plant capable of producing waste-derived fuels were
finally downgraded to systems able to pack the waste and trotovagliare tritovagliato.
This is a downgrade rather than have to judge the significant deficiencies relating to quality of product that CDR very eyes and nose was possible to detect from the beginning ... and especially since quantitativ of the "mixed bag" placed in the CDR were also increased up to double the 1200 t / year provided by the project.
Basically CDR product could be used as fuel in an incinerator, if and only if:
1) Low were the quantities of organic / wet inside
2) Low or very low was the standard plastic
In combustion in an incinerator, the CDR in the presence of fractions of organic, even
minimal negative impact on the combustion itself by increasing the humidity of the CDR making it much less energy and thus in need of quantities of fossil fuel input to the boiler with a higher burden of high costs for ' purchase of natural gas or other fossil fuels: the CDR becomes a combustible fuel for nothing. The presence of plastics in large quantities, while it increases the calorific value of the CDR, the other is the predominant cause of the formation of dioxins in flue gas. From the photographs that I enclose you see how much harmful as the predominant presence di organico nel CDR : si notano infatti alcune foto in cui si apprezza la formazione di rivoli cospicui di sostanze liquide (percolati) nei cumuli in via di stabilizzazione (F.O.S.) e anche altre foto
in cui si vede come tale organico arrivi anche alla fase di “impacchettamento finale” in quanto le “eco balle” energetiche sono dotate di “fori” dovuti allo scoppiettio interno all’ecoballa delle piccole frazioni di metano formatesi in assenza di ossigeno nell’ecoballa per digestione anaerobica dell’organico del rifiuto che non riesce ad essere “smaltito” dall’impianto durante la fase di stabilizzazione intermedia tra opening bags el'incellofanatura final CDR.
If they had made the separate collection, probably the eco bales of CDR would have reduced quantities of organic materials held under anaerobic digesters, and mowing of green substance, taken to composting and plastics into the recycling the production of recycled products that
municipalities have an obligation to purchase by law. S. Maria CV takes scented refreshment allowance from the amount of waste treated by the stretching and the greater the amount of substances taken to St. Mary and the more shares due to Refreshment
town of Santa Maria ... about 10 € / kg. S. Maria CV like all the towns of Caserta and Naples, has not interresse recycled materials may be produced by waste collection (on paper ... the posters advertising push up to 55%) . S. Maria CV is continuing to produce rubbish "downstream" of the collection because it should have been lower fares TARSU from 2008 until 2010 because the materials were supposed to go to CONAI platforms to be sold and the proceeds turned over on the reduction of tariffs ... what a waste remain and will remain the highest in Europe ... the Mayor and Alderman for the Environment make us see the contracts with the platforms of recycling ... and what is derived from the sale of recycled material and then differentiated.
Downgrading STIR CDR system is a formal act that ensures yet another fact
important to those who have an interest in "bruciarie" everything at any cost, whatever temperature, moisture content in any and all levels of dioxins: You do not even need to launch the stabilization of organic waste but only enough to make
chopped a screening and packaging: even then the staff seems pleasant thing. ... and indeed it is!
the national legislature, in addition to removing that auditors differ and how to recycle Vincenzo Cennamo, appreciates the fact who they claim to differentiate but the goal is not the recycling of different materials. Let me explain:
Taking and overturning a recent European Directive, Italy is recognizing green certificates only to incinerators if they burn:
1) Wastes collected downstream of differentiating;
2) Wastes containing organic; Europe, in fact, has issued the directive on the possibility of having to recognize only incentives to renewable energy production made by fractions of waste which is organic, but he never said that the workforce should be damp to burn. ... indeed! The interpretation of the EU directive is so obviously biased as harmful and even lead to infringement procedures as well as all sorts of atrocities in our territories and in all those where separate collection is not followed by appropriate recycling practices that are emerging and incinerators / incinerators.
The body can produce energy only when started to networks of anaerobic digestion with
biogas (methane) to be burned in cogeneration can produce without input fossil fuel, electricity and heat them to be actively promoted without detriment to the environment and in compliance with European directives.
S. Maria CV is a very small cell of a system marcio ed è stata sempre guidata da sindaci ed assessori impreparati e totalmente sprovvisti di qualunque tipo di capacità organizzativa di cicli virtuosi in campo ambientale.
S.Maria C.V. è Gomorra.

LUcca, 15/11/2010
Ing. Francesco Girardi
Il Servizio di "Striscia la Notizia" di Lunedì 15 Novembre 2010 sul CDR a Sant'Andrea:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Funny Business Clipart

of S. Maria CV

Dr. Gaetano Rivezzi
Measures of Regional and dell'01 25/10/10 / 11/10, with whom, in contravention to the previous laws that have provincialization the disposal was authorized to be discharged at the STIR (ex CDR) of S. Maria CV by 18 municipalities in Naples, seem simple notes and Ordinances.
Signature these results at first glance, makes no illegible stamp which I attribute to the person responsible for the procedure.
On the issue of non-compliance of these provisions citizens of the environmental associations of S. Maria CV "Doctors for the Environment and Population assets are managed, after several misunderstandings that have dterminato also the intervention of Municipal Police and State Police, to have a meeting with the Mayor and Councillor for the Environment on 13/11/2010 in the assembly room.
In this home have all expressed their doubts about the legality of such measures also expressing their doubts, the suitability of the system to address the issue of significant quantities of "leachate emerging" or liquid which originates mainly from 'infiltration of water into the mass of the waste or from the decomposition of the same in consideration of protests by employees of the Consortium unique basin Naples-Caserta, who have effectively blocked the reception and led to the creation of long lines of cars compactors from Ischia, Quarto, Melito, etc..
Le richieste che sono state formulate al primo cittadino hanno riguardato l'installazione , presso, lo STIR, di uno SME (sistema di monitoraggio emissioni) tenuto conto dell' eliminazione del presidio ASL.
Il Sindaco ha chiarito che il Comune agisce nella prospettiva di eliminare del tutto l'impianto dal territorio di S. Maria C.V. e , nelle more, ha preso l'impegno di effettuare , insieme alle Associazioni ambientaliste, un sopralluogo presso l'ex cdr allo scopo di sottoporre a verifica  il processo di trattamento dei rifiuti solidi indifferenziati  chiedendo, al contempo, notizie agli Organi Regionali, in merito alla provenienza provisions and their durability.
Associations swi reserved the right to take action in the story, the streets giuddiziarie, declaring allìeffettuazione available the technical inspection to the presence of their trust.

dr. Gaetano Rivezzi of "Doctors for ambinte"
dr.Dario News and Vitale, Gerardo D'Amore and other nationals belonging to the "active population" -