Sunday, November 14, 2010

Funny Business Clipart

of S. Maria CV

Dr. Gaetano Rivezzi
Measures of Regional and dell'01 25/10/10 / 11/10, with whom, in contravention to the previous laws that have provincialization the disposal was authorized to be discharged at the STIR (ex CDR) of S. Maria CV by 18 municipalities in Naples, seem simple notes and Ordinances.
Signature these results at first glance, makes no illegible stamp which I attribute to the person responsible for the procedure.
On the issue of non-compliance of these provisions citizens of the environmental associations of S. Maria CV "Doctors for the Environment and Population assets are managed, after several misunderstandings that have dterminato also the intervention of Municipal Police and State Police, to have a meeting with the Mayor and Councillor for the Environment on 13/11/2010 in the assembly room.
In this home have all expressed their doubts about the legality of such measures also expressing their doubts, the suitability of the system to address the issue of significant quantities of "leachate emerging" or liquid which originates mainly from 'infiltration of water into the mass of the waste or from the decomposition of the same in consideration of protests by employees of the Consortium unique basin Naples-Caserta, who have effectively blocked the reception and led to the creation of long lines of cars compactors from Ischia, Quarto, Melito, etc..
Le richieste che sono state formulate al primo cittadino hanno riguardato l'installazione , presso, lo STIR, di uno SME (sistema di monitoraggio emissioni) tenuto conto dell' eliminazione del presidio ASL.
Il Sindaco ha chiarito che il Comune agisce nella prospettiva di eliminare del tutto l'impianto dal territorio di S. Maria C.V. e , nelle more, ha preso l'impegno di effettuare , insieme alle Associazioni ambientaliste, un sopralluogo presso l'ex cdr allo scopo di sottoporre a verifica  il processo di trattamento dei rifiuti solidi indifferenziati  chiedendo, al contempo, notizie agli Organi Regionali, in merito alla provenienza provisions and their durability.
Associations swi reserved the right to take action in the story, the streets giuddiziarie, declaring allìeffettuazione available the technical inspection to the presence of their trust.

dr. Gaetano Rivezzi of "Doctors for ambinte"
dr.Dario News and Vitale, Gerardo D'Amore and other nationals belonging to the "active population" -


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