Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Community Service Hours Template

problems large and small

Among Assange revealing the secret of Punchinello; pastors who block roads, workers on the towers Immigration on the crane; brawl between members; jeers from senators, a brazen robbery continues as part of policies and their proteges, friends, family, the protests of the students and temporary workers, and my question would seem a real silly, a Bruscolino of sand in the desert.
But here is what it is.
After years of delay was eventually renewed Negotiable Afam, valid until 2009, then newly born already old and expired. Few innovations, not the increase in respect of my category, about 60 euro gross per month. We also had the infamous back, our dear politicians who wanted to keep for themselves because they do not get enough to pay for bodyguards, beauticians and pr
Also for my category and the steps which I compete, according to tables published on the web from CGIL and unams , the sum should be equal to € 3187 gross in August 2010. According to tables published by the ICFTU , is the sum of € 3889.44 gross in September 2010.

I, I felt gross € 2821.66 in August.
More than a thousand Euros less in accordance with the CISL, CGIL and the second € 365.34 unams.

Asked the motivation to cisl: nothing, no one knows.
Asked the motivation to CGIL: still no answer.

But it will be a problem so down to earth, so purely material, so trivial when the whole of Italy has been rocked by problems much more serious?
I can not be satisfied with what had and be silent? Better a part of anything, as saying he felt last year.

But I do not seem a minor issue, if only for the silence that they have achieved. That is, let us assume that, as we stroll blissfully down the street, a mugger robs us of the portfolio. What do we do? The instinct is to scream, to chase the criminals and recover the stolen goods. Instead, according to the logic of arrears, we must be silent, perhaps to be happy.
Without giving the thief a priori to anyone, I admit that there may be an error in the tables and thus do not correspond to reality. Well, if so, why not say so? Is it not the role of unions to control what is put down on paper and signed by both the corresponding?

Or, are the usual Baluba, accustomed to put up with any injustice by bending the head without saying a word. Someone, I believe a teacher said that my problem is insignificant, that we must first solve the problems of students. Agree more that students should be given greater attention, and I wonder why, then, as we agree that the school is for students and for the study, teaching, and we are merely caretakers support, how come they have agreed to reduce the hours of instruction. Reduction in hours, not material. So a teacher who taught the first eighteen hours, he teaches twelve hours weekly. This means that you will reduce the culture, the preparation of students? We all agree on the fact that the average Italian is improving, that his culture is made of GF, Friends and Gossip and the fact that unless we teach does not contribute to this? Less school hours, less hours for the culture, fewer hours for the personal development of future citizens intellectual cultural workers.
But even this is saying nothing. Indeed, no. I heard that, as with the new CCNL the presence of all staff, including teachers, must be objectively measured, that is, by tag or badge, if you prefer. This will cause many idlers must be at least "locally" for those 12 hours per week.

class war between caretakers and teachers? No, not at all. It 's just the silence, indifference. I asked my colleagues left and right if they had noticed the error on the arrears. Someone said he did not even notice it (sic), others that yes, now that I see him, had taken less money than indicated on the tables. Why? Boh! It is not for us ...


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