Monday, November 8, 2010

Brazilian Wax In Niagara


Gerardo Love

30/10/2010 These days, the inhabitants of the areas Terzigno, Chiaiano, Giugliano, Taverna del Re have rightly opposed the opening of new landfills in their areas by preventing, however, the provision in the existing ones. Governor Stephen Campano Caldoro signed an interim injunction allowing the disposal of the waste abandoned on the street, at sites located in other municipalities, in turn, have, however, appealed to the Administrative Court against the decision. E 'was manned landfill Maruzzella San Tammaro to prevent waste, from Naples, had spilled on-site violation provincialization the law, but was not expected to do the same thing with the plant STIR (tritovagliatura establishments and packaging waste, former Cdr plants) of S. Maria CV
Our hope (unfortunately it is only that) is that the disposal in landfill Maruzzella become impossible, then it has not been carried out in the STIR S. Maria CV
would be important that the municipal authorities and, among them the mayor, in charge of protecting the health of the public health, reassure the population in this regard resident.
This is because the monitoring carried out from Asia between November 2009 and May 2010, showed the presence, in excess of the limits consentiti dalla legge, in due pozzi a valle di Cava Sari (Terzigno), di Zinco, Cadmio, Sommatoria Pcb e Benzo(a)pirene, un cancerogeno della massima pericolosità per l'uomo. L’inquinamento della falda acquifera è il probabile prodotto del conferimento in discarica di rifiuti pericolosi che non vorremmo trovarceli , ora, depositati presso lo stabilimento STIR di S.Maria C.V. non costruito per lo stoccaggio e la permanenza , e, quindi, inidoneo ad affrontare la problematica di rilevanti quantità di “ percolato affiorante", ovvero del liquido che trae origine prevalentemente dall'infiltrazione di acqua nella massa dei rifiuti o dalla decomposizione degli stessi.
Le esortazioni rivolte al primo cittadino ed all’Assessore Environment to release the inhabitants of St. Mary St. Andrew district of CV and from anxiety about the looming environmental conditions prevailing in our region are not limited, however, that set out above.
It seems that the presence of an STIR was now placed on the back burner Giacchè located in the suburbs out of sight "indiscreet" of those who were forced to suffer it.
In this regard the questions to ask our administrators would be so many. Tried to put on paper a few.
1. E 'was never carried out an inspection at the facility by the Area Environmental Protection Directorate-land-reclamation site-management technique waste in the Province of Caserta in consultation with the Provincial Police? The process of unsorted solid waste, operated at the STIR, was never tested? If so, why were not made public the results?
2. E 'possible to know the origin of the waste into the STIR and the destination of those leaving through an examination of the register loading and unloading and summaries of complex motion in order to determine (at least) compliance with current legislation?
3. The waste into bear or not, marking a view showing the EWC code indicative of their dangerous nature and physical state, the rules on how to behave for handling them and to contain risks to human health and the environment (D. Lgs. 152/06 and smi-DM Decree 161/02- AIA-IPPC-authorization system)?
4. The charge storage areas are sealed and protected from the elements?
5. The bales produced comply with the time limits provided for the storage and above are intact or impaired?
6. The launch, the bales produced, disposal is carried out respecting the type of waste they contain, or do they bear a single waste code (the same) whose use would not be supported in this case, from physical and chemical analysis?
7. E 'was provided for the installation of a monitoring plan and control? E 'was never installed an EMS (emissions monitoring system) and, if so, it is working?

On July 18, 2009 was signed the program agreement for measures of environmental compensation in the towns of Campania on the territory of which have been identified for waste treatment plants, or where there are decommissioned. Have been proposed to be allocated some 526 million euro to 37 municipalities affected by the environmental remediation measures. These include Local Authorities includes the city of Santa Maria CV? If so, the funding received was used as prescribed for: removal of early uncontrolled waste, securing and remediation of old landfills (plants e7o former CDR) - clean up polluted sites - related to the improvement of the cycle of waste water - environmental restoration?

would love to have the answers to the questions raised above because when it was thought, at the time, to relocate the CDR plant in the territory of St Mary-CV-EC residents without the knowledge of (dare I say hidden), many were then the promises made by the political left, however, disappointed to the point that all the Prosecution of S. Maria CV has repeatedly seized the plant as non-compliance. Just take a look the Memorandum of Understanding indicated below to find out that none of the planned measures were never adopted. At one point it was planned, for the City, share refreshments. To date no one knows the future allocation and use of the same, since the residents are forced to pay the most exorbitant TARSU to those paid in other areas. Meanwhile
plants and landfills have become militarized zones to ensure that we can investigate the activities within them.


Deputy Commissioner
Raffaele Vanoli

Prot. No 2972/CD Naples 8 - Feb. 2001

To the City of Santa Maria CV
Parts (Mayor and Deputy Commissioner)
AGREE AS \u200b\u200bFOLLOWS
1) The share of relief provided for each kg of waste gives the system of fuel production from waste, in accordance with the Ministerial Order is set at £ .10,5 per kg;
2) The Structure Commissarial undertakes to finance, with the resources allocated to the various ministerial, mitigation of environmental and brownfield development and liaison work within the territory of the municipality of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, in particular the following:
a) works related to the development of routes with particular reference to the axes of penetration of the established production facilities CoR so as to prevent vehicular traffic would affect the city center;
b) deployment of security and remediation. affected by pollution including those affected by indiscriminate waste spills;
c) the improvement of sanitary related works of the municipality;
3) For the actions referred to in paragraph 2a) Structure Commissarial, based on the design adopted by the state Department of Transportation 'University of Naples, will implement the interventions, in consultation with the Municipal Administration;
4) For the actions referred to in paragraph 2b) Structure Commissarial, based on the preliminary draft general presented with the note prot.n. 01/04/2000 12234 of I, will proceed in the legislation and will have approval of the same, for the City of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, financial resources for the realization interventions by the presentation of individual projects that the executive will be presented by the Town Council;
5) The Mayor of Santa Maria Capua Vetere for the actions referred to in paragraph 2c) is committed to provide the structure Commissarial its draft measures;
6 ) As regards the presence of an RDF production in the territory will be defined in consultation with the local council, all the environmental safeguards and monitoring system that guarantees a correct operation of the plant in compliance with current regulations. (Point 8 of the Protocol)


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