Friday, November 20, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
How Much Does It Cost To Renew License In Tx
last, inevitable book by Bruno Vespa Silvio Berlusconi discovers the rehabilitative purposes of punishment.
"One must take marital status (...) freedom to those who have been convicted of a crime, but can not take away his dignity and even a threat to his health. " "And then the prison must always have the aim to re-educate the person"
We are pleased that does not cultivate the intention to amend also Article 27 of the Constitution.
We would be even happier if he had not only the recipe as a project to build new prisons, drawing from the case of fines, the aims of which were specially reviewed and corrected by legislative action.
Born to finance the projects of rehabilitation of prisoners, now the case of fines is used for prison construction.
is an independent legal entity by the Department of the penitentiary, but the art. 44a of Act 14 of 2009 gives the powers of the Special Commissioner in relation to building prisons, the same head of the Department.
The stated objective is to find 20,000 new seats, which would then still not 20,000, because Meanwhile the Prime Minister talks to divest some prisons now operational, which would become sites of hotels and supermarkets, and in the meantime no one explains why before proceeding to the construction of new facilities does not make it usable in some institutions was abandoned.
Anyway, the new posts would not be sufficient, given the proliferation of laws that cause excessive carcerizzazione, poor filling of the nation's prisons, and given the low use of these alternative measures also have previously guaranteed living in prisons and reducing recidivism
Vista la nuova sensibilità dimostrata alla finalità rieducativa della pena, il Presidente del Consiglio dovrebbe spiegarci perché il suo governo ha proceduto a tagliare selvaggiamente i fondi destinati alle attività trattamentali, perché si è praticamente estinto il monte ore destinato al servizio psicologico, perché si deve ricorrere all’aiuto del volontariato e dei
territori più sensibili per fornire generi di prima necessità: carta igienica, saponi, dentifrici, assorbenti, indumenti di ricambio per tanti detenuti, stranieri e non, che non possono contare sul sostegno delle famiglie.
Never before in recent times we have witnessed a series of inconsistent and uneven that show the inability or unwillingness to address the real problems of the prison, which houses some people of high social danger, but also is crowded by a multitude of drug addicts, foreigners, homeless people with mental and psychiatric carriers.
People held for short-term imprisonment, returning early in the external circuit of exclusion, people to whom a civil society is obliged to respond in some way to stop using test the prison as a revolving door.
Instead, far from investing in jail as a service of legality, as a place to run an offense that, long before the prime minister, our Constitution referred to as rehabilitation , we proceeded gradually to an inexorable depletion of all types of resources.
Prison is lacking all too dramatically and operators, who often share with the prisoners of poverty, poor facilities, services, social consideration.
It overcomes and survives thanks to the spirit of initiative, good will, to the professionalism of many workers who have chosen to side with the law, and trying to make a decent public service, because that is be the prison, not the easy answer to anxieties and drifts securtarie executioner, nor a lack of rights.
these days is intensified attention on the conditions of prisons, especially after the deaths of Stephen and Diana Blefari Cucchi, so different and yet so desperate.
Ben is the focus, we welcome photos shock and the testimonies that give body and face with a reality that for much of the public is still seen as the only answer to the need for security, but is also made up of people and suffering.
But most of all by those who profess sensitivity to certain issues, we expect a rigorous effort to prevent the exploitation and the pursuit of easy sensationalism to which we are accustomed too (how many times we regretted the fact that a robbery during a permit face a lot more news of the prize much more numerous positivi esiti delle misure alternative!).
Nella rassegna stampa di Ristretti Orizzonti del 4 novembre l’articolo di Giacomo Russo Spena “Giustizia: quegli orrori dimenticati, dietro le mura delle carceri” si mettono insieme tristi circostanziati eventi, quali le vicende legate al G8 di Genova, al carcere san Sebastiano, e analoghi ampiamente documentati e accertati, con la denuncia di sistematici pestaggi e abusi nel carcere di Torino effettuata da un medico dopo l’interruzione del rapporto di lavoro. Non viene precisato che rispetto a tale denuncia la Procura di Torino ha chiesto l’archiviazione
Perhaps there is still enough to think that some wounds can sometimes unfairly affect an entire community, not just the victims and the perpetrators of the alleged violations, but the entire prison staff, associations, unions , all that part of society that is daily contact with the jail and from what did not quite guarded and protected.
course we must keep up our guard, knowing that everywhere, in every system there may be loose cannon and men unworthy of representing the State, and that the conditions are not always for the timely action of the complaint.
But we must at the same time avoid generalizations that do not improve understanding of reality, creating a climate of widespread distrust of many unfairly penalizing people who are struggling to give some dignity to his work and a way to 'existence of the prison
That, remember, is a sanction for civil society to give in response to the breakdown of a social pact, the pact that we are all required to rebuild, inside and outside prison.
Anna Donata Greco Coordinamento Ammin. Penitenziaria CGIL F.P. Piemonte
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Funbrain Poptropica.com
Raffaele Bonanni, secretary general of the CISL, which much has been applied in the work of division of the union and that claims to have heard some ministers among the privileged of the Republic, sometimes remembers being a union leader and try to tell the government of being angry (but just a little bit ...) for its policies.
The latest episode of "escalation of the CISL union" dates back to Saturday, October 31, when thousands took to the streets with some of the employees of the school to say - just think '- that school is knees, missing teachers, which does not give perspective to the precarious ...
And what does the government, in this case the minister Gelmini? Appreciates the contribution of Bonanni moderate its policy of dismantling of public schools, showing gratitude for the good work of the CISL (and UIL) to break the trade union unity in the dispute for the renewal of the contract?
None of this: the suave minister defines the union (from CISL) an annoying box on the way of his education policy and calls for "the CISL and generally more moderate unions a great deal of modernization of the school and for the good of the country "...
Poor Bonanni, a lot of work only to be insulted and ridiculed.
But at this point, we wonder: Raffaellone not agree to resign and return to the national union to do the full-time commitment to seriously discuss and decide how to defend the CGIL of the best Italian male and female workers?
even if it cost him the end of such good friends ...
Friday, October 30, 2009
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E 'from normal country that considers them all indiscriminately as the dishonest and disloyal, to be held at the tip of the stick, such as shortening and besides using mezzucci extend and besides even shorten the duration Time flies when ill?
E 'from country to normal women, just women, are restricted by that Minister worst treatment, seizing their rights gained (and sacred) as pension and part-time?
E 'from normal country that does not deal ever, talking about public service, the real problems, real privileges, the real parasites?
E 'from normal country that considers democracy in the workplace, the right to negotiate working conditions, the right to be represented as the real causes of the failure of government?
E 'from country's normal that there are extremist unions in the company and supine (from mat) to Rome?
It is normal country that we can forget all this when you vote? In our
NO, and we believe it is necessary to make our voice heard, everywhere, with our fellow workers, bar, tram, in the squares. Early and strong.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Community Service Confirmation Letter
Greetings not unconditional to Chiamparino elected President of ANCI.
Press Rossana Dettori National Secretary FP CG THE
FP CGIL expressed their best wishes to Mayor Sergio Chiamparino elected President of the ANC. With dismay and disappointment, however, notes that the FP CGIL the first measure of the new President was to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Minister Brunetta against the public administration reform. A law with a centralized system that has nothing to do with improving services to citizens and businesses, with the development of the territory, with the enhancement of administrative and organization of municipalities. A law that only serves to fuel the demagoguery of Minister Brunetta. To enhance the municipalities would, however, a serious confrontation with the social partners on the improvement and reorganization of the services provided by municipalities and services that guarantee the rights of citizens and representing a significant percentage of local welfare. We demand a real commitment the President of ANCI: finding financial resources for the renewal of contract workers and those workers who daily carry out a machine too often slow and cumbersome and a confrontation with the social partners. A commitment which we will evaluate the work of the President Chiamparino. Rome 12 October 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Penis Growth Prolexis
"More than the turnstiles, to the robes it would take the electronic bracelet. The spokesman said Brunetta, Vittorio Pezzuto, in response to review by the judges with a long quotation from the book "Magistrates, the Ultracast" Stefano Livadiotti. He was the minister to set fire to the powder Brunetta accusing the ANM to be a "monster." The union of toghe aveva replicato: il ministro "non sa nulla" del sistema giustizia.
Da TGCOM online
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cervix Position Period
Nella serata di ieri un gruppetto di sedicenti anarchici ha occupato la sede della Croce Rossa Italiana di Torino, per contestare la funzione di assistenza svolta dalla CRI presso i Centri di Identificazione ed Espulsione (ex CPT).
Essere contro la politica razzista e xenofoba del Governo, non può in alcun modo porre sotto accusa l’opera degli operatori della Croce Rossa che, in condizioni difficilissime, garantiscono l’assistenza sanitaria alle centinaia di esseri umani rinchiusi, in condizioni insopportabili, in centri che sono sempre più simili a campi di concentramento.
Vale solo la worth mentioning that the Red Cross workers do not belong to any military body in arms. In contrast, for the most part, are precarious workers, in carrying out their task, they struggle to keep public and civil assistance to all those in need. Enough to remember the rest of the humanitarian function that CRI plays in frontier situations, such as Lampedusa, to understand that the spirit of Red Cross workers is not what the jailers at Guantanamo.
The Public Function of the CGIL, condemning the occupation of the Red Cross headquarters in Turin, expresses the operator and the Red Cross, its full solidarity.
FP CGIL Piemonte - FP CGIL Turin
Turin, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Konto Serwer Php Darmowe
avuto l’annuncio di una qualche misura, magari accolta con discreto favore da Cisl e Uil e criticata assai dalla Cgil. Ma non c’è stato un fecondo, visibile rapporto dialettico sui contenuti. Quello che si è sentito invece a Chianciano, anche se non è giunto a uno sbocco concreto. Sarà possibile riprendere un tale metodo, nei tavoli appropriati, a settembre? Bisognerebbe che gli interlocutori non avessero in mente - com’è stato nel passato - solo la voglia di umiliare la Cgil, magari cercando di strappare in anteprima, sottobanco, il favore di Cisl e Uil.Una divisione sindacale che sembra non arrestarsi. Come testimonia l’inizio polemico delle trattative per il contratto dei metalmeccanici, nonchè l’intesa separate craftsmen. Yet
Epifani, always Chiancianononha abandoned hope for a resumption of relations unit relying on three examples: Fincantieri agreement, trade agreement, some contracts. Three stories of division profonda.Maè could patch up relations, reviewing some aspects. A prerequisite for hours to get a turn in policies to tackle the crisis. The paper will fall, accompanied by the necessary mobilization? Knowing that mobilization does not mean only strikes but maybe this besieged with thousands of government initiatives.
Like that (mentioned by Epiphanius), the signs and pickets in front of Palazzo Chigi, with a daily reminder of the crisis on the data e delle sue vittime.
Monday, June 29, 2009
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In recent measure taken by the Council of Ministers, also setting a new deadline for the stabilization by moving the reference to the years 2010-2012 and introduce some adjustments to the rules on sick leave.
We hope that this is a breakthrough of common sense in government policies on public work (we impose the utmost caution in this regard), certainly demonstrates that the firmness of our position has paid and, jointly with local government at the signing of the last contractual arrangements for health and local governments, has led to the removal of provisions hateful and irrational.
continue to ask the government to compare true on these and other issues concerning the condition of public work, the processes of innovation in public administrations and their revival in the service of citizens, in the grave crisis that the country is going through.
CGIL As we can not but be pleased to have averted the risk to thousands of civil servants losing their jobs everyday and we confirm our commitment to protect workers and public workers.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Blueprints For A Bike
Monday, June 22, 2009
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Daily Sport

Alterverso - a workshop on insecurity
Torino 26/06/2009 - Auditorium Cascina Marchesa - c.so Vercelli 141 / 7
try a different approach to an issue made by the central information system and the political campaigns of recent months.
We will try to give answers to new questions and getting popular perceptions.
Meanwhile, since it relies on a perception of depth - that exists within all of s us - our insecurity?
Why, instead to a wealth of differences, they make us fear?
economic crisis, insecurity, social immobility, immigration, loss of subjective and collective identity, the whole plot to a dramatic increase in widespread insecurity and this insecurity to be given answers and solutions than those offered by the policy.
We ask, therefore, if you can act - and quickly - without the need for patrols, without xenophobia, homophobia, racism of acceptable values.
All these questions take on greater value and weight if we look at the work public, our job is, first of all, a work report, daily contact with something else, with the other.
What happens to the quality of work, empathy and respect for others - essential when dealing with children, elderly, disadvantaged, immigrants - whether injury Ignorance insecurity are not addressed, explained, resolved?
We would, in short, to escape the stereotypes, producing a different debate / new language and in the outcomes.
For these reasons, we speak of workshop, laboratory, consisting of speeches, gestures, even theatrical, confessions - all together - can produce new responses, original and effective.
Bet fascinating even for the union, the ricerca di un approccio profondo a questioni decisive per la qualità della nostra vita e del nostro lavoro.
Abbiamo pensato inoltre di mettere insieme dirigenti sindacali e operatori sociali e, quindi: Susanna Camusso, segretaria nazionale CGIL, Alfredo Garzi, segretario nazionale FP CGIL, Franco Floris, direttore Gruppo Abele e Giuseppe Platone, pastore valdese.
Abbiamo collaborato inoltre, per la realizzazione di questo evento, con Associazioni che qui vorremmo citare e ringraziare: Theatro, Racconta Giusta e Idea Lavoro.
Tutti hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro per la riuscita e l’efficacia dell’iniziativa del 26 giugno.
Non resta che incontrarci alla Cascina Marchesa di Torino alle 9.30
Salvatore Chiaramonte, Secretary-General FP CGIL Piemonte
Vincent Morin, Secretary-General FP CGIL Lombardia
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Job Description Of A Preschool Consultant
Our piccoloministro said during a meeting of industrialists (who expressed loud dissent) that the crisis is doing good income for employees, which would be - that's incredible! - Richer than before.
It pissed everybody - for employers to review (even the UGL), social organizations to a number of economic analysts, and our piccoloministro not find a better way to respond to his spokesman:
"There is religion! In response to a serious analysis of the economic crisis on Minister Brunetta, unemployment, inflation and purchasing power of employees and pensioners, the CGIL union, which presumably formed in his youth on the Marxist texts, we can only plead that the reference to the analysis of Cei and Caritas. Institutions respectable and praiseworthy. Dear
Marxist imaginary CGIL, the government is the government and the macro-economy is the macro-economy. If you have something to object to the Minister Brunetta stay if you can, on its own analytical level. to Caesar what is Caesar's. A God what is God's . "
If piccoloministro abuses sostanze stupefacenti, mi sa che il suo portavoce gli fa da pusher...
When Is The New Game Coming To Poptropica
How and when will emerge out of this crisis of capitalism, the most serious of the last seventy years, yet nobody knows, unless in Italy ever since our government waiting for everything to finish, you do not agree on how to get out that much more opportunity for our country.
You can not imagine being in the near future, out of a free market economy, but at least they are not always people to pay when the crisis comes and who determines it remains largely unpunished.
Italian bankers and industrialists should make a revolution before economic cultural capital with its risk and at the same time assume social responsibilities.
The government should help this process reforms and ad hoc regulations.
this government can do? Can you guarantee a social minimum to all citizens? The answer is no! While even the United States of America with Obama convert, in the face of climate change, a future based on sustainability in our government, not taking into account environmental protection and research and development of sustainable energy and the same Government which also blend security and economic crisis to violate human rights.
E 'should be opened with a comparison of this government that will lead to reform of the labor market and social protection for all workers, the unemployed and pensioners?
I am convinced that the objective of the Government would not extend to all but steal and reduce rights to those who already have.
What would be the audience?
Brunette ripubblicizza contracts in the civil service and suspend the trade unions?
Sacconi who with his white paper on public services and privatization in particular, take away the citizens' right to education and health?
Tremonti converted into public, the crisis, having theorized and practiced in the previous right-wing government, its economy and imaginative paper, a close relative of toxic assets, so just because we all pay? The Northern League's Bossi
that is low throughout the country, a tax reform without its head or tail?
Good Berlusconi (for those who imagine a life as easy as vellum or deputy) who does not want neither legal nor moral constraints?
What opposition would support a process so important extension of rights to all? Only left-wing opposition that focuses its work culture, politics and the social world of work.
The single contract would become the instrument through which we are no longer all equal with respect to labor rights, we would be equal with respect to wages.
Art 18 of Law 300 would be among the first rights to be sacrificed on the altar of a policy of exchange, given the current debate and availability in the field that you read between the lines.
Everyone recognizes the Bank of Italy to the President of the Republic, which often reminds the country, such as social cohesion is, today, the priority from which to make extensive changes to the labor market and the quality of work, if so, this can not assume an exchange of work and pensions, as claimed by Confindustria.
No exchange is feasible between contract single and straight.
In the public service contract with the Health and Local Authorities were also signed both the FP CGIL.
A new politically significant, since the signing of separate agreements of the Ministries and central functions, this shows that when the litigation has merit and not against us preconceived ideologies Cgil knows its responsibilities.
There is no doubt, however, that a contract season is over.
bargaining that took place for the contract of Local Government has shown its limits and some news.
The two-year financial year 2008/09 and was signed late.
The economic and regulatory 2006/2009 contract, like others, was terminated without the possibility to discuss the normative part and much less quality of services and labor, beyond the vulgar propaganda Minister Brunetta.
When comparing the intrusion of the government and the pressure exerted by Agency dell'Aran put in serious risk of pre-subscription arrangement.
's role, provinces and regions, is numbered among the good news of the comparison together with the tightness of the labor unions.
not forget that the pre-signed agreement will be subject to consultation Certified workers.
The decree implementing the Law of 15 compounds the frame of reference, does not address the limits and overcome them, to cancel the bargaining and employee representation.
We are not faced with a bargaining reformed, but to its cancellation.
Our first task is to fight this decree through the unit with CISL and UIL and the alliance with the local authorities, who, like us, have every incentive to provide services to citizens, with whom we have to develop a covenant for quality services, increasing productivity and professionalism of public employees. As we wrote
e sottoscritto con il precedente Governo, Regioni, Province e Comuni nel Memorandum, troppo presto dimenticato da tutti, forse, anche da noi.
Per annullare gli effetti della legge 15 e il suo decreto attuativo, non c’è dubbio che dobbiamo interloquire con la politica e le istituzioni, per chiedere l’annullamento di quella legge anche attraverso un referendum se vogliamo salvaguardare la contrattazione.
Abbiamo bisogno, da subito, soprattutto della mobilitazione dei lavoratori e cittadini per renderli protagonisti di una stagione che ponga al paese di affrontare, sia scelte difficili sia per proporre una visione della società e del mondo del lavoro che dia futuro ai lavoratori, giovani, donne, precari, unemployed, migrants who are the backbone of society today and tomorrow.
Rome June 8, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
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A new website for the Civil Service of the CGIL Piemonte
We thought it was time to renew our communication tools and to make a great investment.
A new site ( www.piemonte.fp.cgil.it ), a forum is always open to debate and contributions of all (http:// valorepubblico.blogspot.com ) , a regular bulletin of information sent by e-mail a tutti gli iscritti che dovrebbero permetterci di raggiungere uno scopo molto importante: far giungere innanzitutto alle lavoratrici e ai lavoratori pubblici tutta l’informazione in tempo reale sull’attività sindacale, sul dibattito dentro la FP CGIL Piemontese, insomma su cosa siamo e su cosa facciamo.
Valore pubblico, questo il nome/slogan che abbiamo voluto attribuire all’insieme di queste iniziative per enfatizzare ancora di più il senso della nostra identità e gli obiettivi della nostra azione:
- valore al lavoro pubblico, alla sua importanza, alla sua qualità, alla sua stabilità, ai suoi diritti
- valore al servizio pubblico, al welfare, decisivo per ogni idea moderna e democratic society, a society that we are inclusive, secular, inclusive.
seem almost utopian in this strange, strange country, but maybe it is time to rediscover the utopias and chasing them all together, proudly.
The new site, coordinated by Beppe tape, want to be, and importantly, a tool for executives and delegates of the Civil Service of the CGIL Piemonte will find that, in addition to a robust set of documents and contracts (and always freely available ), the texts of the provincial and regional agreements, documents and anything else related to local initiatives the provincial organizations will want to make available. This
is one of the most significant: all provincial territories will have an area of \u200b\u200btheir exclusive jurisdiction, where to enter and publish information, news and documents (agreements, agendas, etc.)..
The Forum Web site, was designed as a space dedicated to the collective reflection, debate, the discussion on our key words, hoping it can also be the site for comments and contributions that can help us work better, closer aspirations and needs of the people we represent.
Finally, periodic bulletin (newsletter), managed by Mauro Cattaneo FP CGIL of Alexandria, which will keep you updated sulle novità e gli aggiornamenti del sito web e, in genere, della nostra attività: abbiamo l’obiettivo ambizioso di giungere (con discrezione) a tutte le vostre caselle di posta elettronica, che potrete segnalare con un apposito modulo elettronico.
Abbiamo grandi progetti per il futuro ma, intanto, cominciamo con piccoli e significativi passi che, speriamo, potremo fare tutti insieme.
In conclusione, vorremmo ringraziare Romualdo Magliulo che ha, in questi anni e con grande pazienza, gestito il nostro vecchio sito internet che pure è stato una delle più significative iniziative della Categoria in Italia.
A tutti un augurio sincero di buon lavoro
Salvatore Chiaramonte
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Mount And Blade Mediafire
My letter on Sheet today.
The Director -
Now that a famous Turin car is going to benefit from the plan Geithner, we can make our teasing the Anglo-Saxon: Fix It Again, Tim.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Mount And Blade Steam Retail
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Shiny Pokemon Fangen Emerald
The New Italy the cost of the work of parliamentarians in unit tends to infinity . Fact:
a) is known to return Italian Parliament and allowances of the individual are the highest among all western parliaments and that:
b) our MPs are the most numerous of all the democratic West.
For these reasons
c) the cost of the work of all of our parliamentarians is the highest of all the West, while
d) the product of independent MPs (born Bills in Parliament and approved) is off and, in fact, their activity is confined to approve drum flying without autonomous changes and decrees of the government bills.
If, therefore, we report the cost of the work of parliament (which has positive dimensions and consistent) with the their stand-alone product, which tends to zero, the relationship between the two variables tends to infinity .
Maybe we should do so the authors warn of 'Caste'.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Demonstration Mechadoll
Speaking of statistics and percentages can not be forgotten when (it was around 2003) Silvio Berlusconi said that thanks to his government landings of Albanians in Italy were reduced by 120%.
interpreting correctly infer that the Albanians had completely stopped from landing in Italy and in 100 non-Albanians landed in Italy as Italians had thrown 20 to swim to reach the Albanian coast. We do not know the reasons, perhaps because he had returned to head the government?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Filmy Z Lektorem Online
The New Italy the police have now reached an efficiency of 200% for a rape committed in Rome by two individuals found guilty four.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
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Italy 2009: State of the Church-led libertine
Friday, March 13, 2009
Brazilian Wax Wikipedia
After the public safety function was transferred from police forces to volunteer patrols and monitoring of credit from Bank of Italy to the Prefects, the Bank of 'Italy will soon be called upon to monitor the safety of the territories.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Gastritis More Condition_treatment
Tremonti and the G8: my team of lawyers to rewrite the rules
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Weddig Thank You Quotes
Brad DeLong is a professor of economics at Berkeley, a renowned blogger and an avid supporter of the Democratic Party supporter. So far, nothing bad. (Oh, the third ...) But it is also the author of this rare test of intellectual honesty.
In short: DeLong had argued - using a quote from President Hoover - that his administration had adhered during the course of the Great Depression to a prospect liquidationist. The great Bob Murphy has taken aim to verify the quotation, and is satisfied che essa era stata estrapolata dal contesto e dimostrava in realtà l'opposto .
A questo punto DeLong ha risposto a Murphy... tagliando la parte che dimostrava il suo utilizzo disinvolto delle fonti! Inoltre, per non farsi mancare nulla, ha dato una sforbiciata anche ad un commento di Steve Horwitz che evidenziava come neppure il Segretario del Tesoro Andrew Mellon sposasse le teoria liquidazionista.
Davvero non male per uno che ha intitolato il suo blog " Grasping Reality with Both Hands " e che ebbe a definire memorabilmente gli economisti contrari allo stimulus « ethics-free Republican hacks ».
[HT: Steve Horwitz @ The Austrian Economists ]
Thursday, March 5, 2009
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Anyone who cares about the success of liberty in the world you will come across in the initiatives of the Center for Promotion of Human Rights of the Cato Institute , brilliantly led by Tom Palmer . For several weeks, the center was reorganized under the umbrella of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation as Atlas of Global Initiative for Free Trade, Peace and Prosperity .
This is the video that it has officially set up. We are confident that the new structure and membership with the Atlas Foundation will allow strengthen the dissemination of liberal culture in a growing number of countries. Welcome, Global Initiative!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Miami From I Love Money 2 Hair
I've never been soft against Trenitalia, but the spat seems to be out of place, both operators, on the main Milan - Rome, do not know the market competition and the word is out of their vocabulary.
Mauro Moretti, CEO of Ferrovie dello State said that the high speed does not receive government subsidies, after Sabelli had reported 3.6 billion of state aid to the railway sector in 2008. Unfortunately
Alitalia's CEO makes a mistake: the fact billion state data FS were already 4.3 in 2007 and if the increase would be 17 percent, as stated, it could reach the astronomical figure 5 billion euro.
At this public money every year it pours into the coffers of the State Railways public, will be added to the capital increases that have been made almost on time, so that in recent years the average annual public subsidies to FS is approximately 7 billion €.
The high speed might not receive subsidies, but certainly the cost of railway infrastructure, which has cost more than € 35 million per kilometer, was not rewarded by Trenitalia, but by the state.
Alitalia was an almost unique case in European air transport in recent years as it has received a lot of state aid that the Bruno Leoni Institute has consistently criticized . However in general aviation remains on its legs, unlike the railways, the European Union itself has admitted in a 2006 study that the plane is more efficient for flights from 250 km kilometers.
In fact, a trip between Milan and Rome offered da una compagnia aerea low cost, costa circa 4/5 centesimi di euro per posto chilometro offerto e significa che il costo operativo per una tratta del genere non raggiunge i 30 euro.
E per il treno? Il costo è sicuramente più che doppio e non si capisce perché lo Stato debba sussidiare tale tipologia di trasporto anche solo tramite la costruzione di un’infrastruttura ad alta velocità.
La risposta più “abusata” è questa: “si costruiscono linee ad alta velocità per incentivare l’uso del treno”
Peccato che in Gran Bretagna, dove praticamente non esiste un chilometro di alta velocità, il traffico ferroviario sia stato quello che maggiormente si è developed in Europe over the past 12 years, more than France, which spends over € 11 billion a year in the railways, compared with 4 of the United Kingdom
What is the reason for this development? Simply was introduced real competition between train operators, so that the first railway company has a market share of about 20 percent of the market. The rail market has been liberalized and it is almost doubled, although in Britain there is a higher rate of penetration of low cost airlines on domestic routes (they now 50 per cent of the aviation market).
And in Italy which was the only miracle accomplished? What
be able to have a public monopoly on the tracks and a private monopoly on the Linate - Fiumicino in heaven. Alitalia
complains of Trenitalia, but owns about 98 percent of the market and from Linate airport, after the law has prevented 166 of 2008 working on the antitrust monopoly position has arisen following the merger between the old and Alitalia heron.
In Italy, we do not need miracles, but most of the market, otherwise it will always be the loser and only Italian citizens, both as a taxpayer as a consumer.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Trimethoprim More Drug_uses
The world of culture and entertainment in our country, is required up daily by thousands of people at all levels, they do that job with passion and skills: let's give him the chance to work in an open field, tuned with real consumption, relieved from the fetters of political and revitalized by a true comparison with market.
[HT: Camillo and Wittgenstein ]
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Cervical Mucus Cheaters
The crisis is not the result of too much market but too little: little competition, hidden information, hidden behaviors, rules, inadequate and / or not respected, excessive role and market power of large organizations, self-managers and their remuneration unrelated to quality, reliability, ability to produce sustainable results over time.
(More than 5 lines on ilsussidiario.net )
Friday, February 6, 2009
What Does A Period Look Like Clip
Air Dolomiti is a pity that competes with Alitalia as part of the Lufthansa Group.
Perhaps the president has escaped the fact that this competition is made in house ...
Apart from this statement that is not so bad, because every person is free to choose the preferred operator and the airport, it was followed by another much more serious.
Alitalia's chief executive, Rocco Sabelli, he lied before the joint committees, stating that the new airline's load factor was 43 percent against 50 percent last year, pity that the load factor of Alitalia was to 64.61 per cent, and 48.46 percent of the Heron. Together the two companies had a load factor equal to 62.59 percent, or about twenty percentage points more than the new wing Alitalia. The data source is the AEA, ie the association of traditional carriers in Europe.
How does the "flag carrier" be satisfied with?
If not improve the LF compared to January, in the year, on average, the new Alitalia will exceed 65 percent of filling its planes, less than 7 points on the same floor Phoenix, but still higher than the level of load factor AirOne reached by 2008.
If so there would be lower revenues for 500 million euro, with the optimistic estimate of a yield stable although in times of crisis (for example, Ryanair has dropped by 20 percent, to stabilize the LF).
Sabelli then held before the Commission that the low cost airlines have lowered their load factor, showing digits without specifying the means of delivery.
Analyzing the two main low cost airlines in Europe and Italy, where they have a market share of low cost market more than 50 percent is denoted again by the inaccuracy of the managing director of Alitalia. Easyjet in January it has decreased the load factor to 72 percent (30 percentage points more than Alitalia), but over the past 12 months has increased to almost reaching 85 percent. Ryanair has remained stable at 69 percent in January and more than 80 percent last year. What
low cost relates the CEO of Alitalia? Certainly not the two major competitors.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Welcome Letter Sample Wedding
Gli organi d'informazione sul web riportano con evidenza l'audizione odierna di Colaninno e Sabelli presso le Commissione trasporti riunite di Camera e Senato. La notizia di maggiore interesse non riguarda tuttavia le preferenze aeroportuali di Colaninno, il quale ha dichiarato di non utilizzare Malpensa per i suoi voli a lungo raggio bensì Francoforte via Verona, ma i dati forniti da Sabelli in relazione al tasso di riempimento dei posti nelle prime settimane di attività del nuovo vettore:
"In queste settimane il load factor medio di Alitalia e' sceso al 43% dal 50% di gennaio 2007 (Alitalia piu' Airone)". (Radiocor)
Trovano Therefore, official confirmation of the data that was leaked by union sources, airports and aircraft, which indicated how the new company traveled half-empty. 43% of Sabelli is even optimistic the Anpac few days ago had indicated a figure of 39% and today, during a hearing at the Commission of the Territory Lombardy Region, the President of Sea Giuseppe Bonomi said that Alitalia planes flying to Malpensa have a load factor of 30% and those flying to Malpensa by 40%. These values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to an average figure for Alitalia in the two airports Sea by 37%.
Considering that these are the two Italian airports in which the offer of the new company has been reduced by more than ai due vettori preesistenti, è difficile pensare che il load factor dei voli Alitalia che non toccano Malpensa e Linate sia tale da portare il 37% di Milano al 43% medio.
Si tratta ovviamente di un'ipotesi; è invece certo che il load factor di Alitalia e AirOne nel gennaio 2008 non era al 50% ma molto più alto. Sabelli ha quindi raccontato una bufala ai parlamentari riuniti delle due autorevoli commissioni: nel gennaio 2008 il load factor di Alitalia è stato del 64,6% (67,0% nel gennaio 2007) e quello di AirOne del 48,5% (44,7% nel gennaio 2007), il peggiore tra tutti i vettori europei. Per l'insieme delle due compagnie il load factor nel gennaio 2008 è stato pari al 62,6%, molto vicino al valore di Alitalia in as the carrier AirOne weighed almost seven times in terms of seat kilometers available and less than ten km in terms of seats sold.
The fall of the load factor is therefore close to twenty percentage points a year (26 points if he's right Giuseppe Bonomi) and highlights the very critical situation that affects the new carrier already at the time of takeoff. This drop in demand due to the crisis of the old carrier, the insufficient credibility of the new, at high rates (actual or expected by the consumer anyway) and the economic downturn, there is also a large scissor kick after the offer that the new company gave respect to the two already existing. It does not seem to have emerged from the hearing but parliamentary January 2008 to last month Alitalia and Air have a total cut domestic flights by 33% and international (European and intercontinental) by 54%. The total flights offered are therefore decreased by 42%.
set equal to the offer of 100 in January 2008, the demand of passengers stood at 63. The question today is equal to 43 (Sabelli, if that) if we continue to put the offer of 100. But the offer now is only 58% of that of a year ago and passengers from a year ago are 43% of 58%, or 25%.
In summary we can say that (for now) the plan of rebirth the Phoenix has left the street (or hangar), almost half of the two old companies and three-quarters of the older passengers. Un'Alitalia dimezzata trasporta solo un quarto dei passeggeri di una volta.
Errata corrige: Rettifico un dato del testo precedente: in realtà i passeggeri di gennaio 2009 della nuova Alitalia sono il 25% rispetto ai posti offerti AZ+AP nel gennaio 2008 mentre rispetto ai passeggeri AZ+AP di gennaio 2008 sono il 40%. La riduzione dei passeggeri non è quindi del 75% ma (solo) del 60%. In sintesi: posta uguale a 100 l'offerta AZ+AP di gennaio 2008, i passeggeri di allora erano 63, i posti offerti nel gennaio 2009 sono stati 58 e i passeggeri 25. L'offerta di posti si è quindi ridotta del 42%, la domanda del 60% e il load factor è passato dal 63 al 43%. Spiego meglio il tutto sul ilsussidiario.net .
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
New Baby Congratulations Messages Funny
Minister Zaia:
The British are good: with the crisis of your own people comes firstThe League's leader in the House Cota:
British workers have reason[HT: Lakeside Capital ]
High Heart Rate Causes
Despite this appeal, a wind of "closure" blows on the world economy: the package "relaunch" of the president of the United States of America, Barack Obama, contains a clause of great concern, the so-called "Buy American". If this measure were to be confirmed by the Senate, the risks to move from a recession to a depression would become real.
Protectionism in the field of public works and in particular for the supply of steel and concrete are going in the wrong direction and should they be implemented, the business partners of the United States would take countermeasures in the WTO.
And where would the measure of Obama? Simply to an increase delle barriere doganali e al rallentamento ulteriore del commercio internazionale che già quest’anno si prevede in forte diminuzione a causa della crisi globale.
“Buy American” rischia di trasformarsi in “Depression’s World” e anche le “scaramuccie” tra il Ministro del Tesoro Americano e le autorità cinesi sui tassi di cambio sembrano andare nella direzione opposta a quella auspicabile.
In periodi di difficoltà economica è abbastanza ovvio, seppur non condivisibile, che si chiedano maggiori tutele, come è stato anche il caso della Gran Bretagna, con la protesta di alcuni sindacati che vogliono mantenere britannici i posti di lavoro.
Le parole di Gordon Brown di defend British jobs, then set out, are another indication that reaches the world economy in the wrong time of great difficulty.
data are worrying as shown in the fall of 3.8 per cent of U.S. gross domestic product last quarter of last year and early 2009 may be even harder.
The data indicate recession, but some politicians prefer to define that place in the biggest crisis since 1929. Currently available information indicates that the crisis is perhaps the most serious in the last 30 years and still has no comparison with the Great Depression.
have data that speak without equivocation: in Germany disoccupazione è ai livelli più elevati da un anno a questa parte, tuttavia circa 1,8 milioni di disoccupati in meno rispetto al 2005. L’economia tedesca potrebbe essere uscita dalla recessione nell’ultimo trimestre dell’anno scorso e anche in Spagna, paese molto colpito dalla caduta del settore immobiliare, il tasso di disoccupazione, seppur molto elevato è ancora molto distante dai tassi antecedenti al Governo Aznar.
La richiesta di maggiore regolazione serve alla classe politica per riconquistare quello spazio e quel potere che il mercato le ha sottratto negli ultimi anni; potrebbe sembrare un’affermazione fuori dal coro, ma si potrebbe dire che “per fortuna la politica è uscita dal mercato”.
The years of double-digit inflation were recorded when the monetary policy of central banks were under the control of governments and the general policy in the market has never been too efficient.
The crisis of '29 has been met by increased protectionism, remember "90 share" in Fascist Italy and the outcome was a terrible world war.
protectionism and nationalism often go "hand in hand" and therefore must be impressed that a shift towards an agreement in the Doha Round.
It has even heard the proposal to terminate the Schengen agreements and the free movement of persons and workers, the simplification alla base di questa grave affermazione, la stessa posizione dei sindacati britannici, è quella per la quale i posti di lavoro sono rubati. Non sarebbe difficile comprendere invece che proprio da una limitazioni delle barriere le economie possono diventare più efficienti e quindi riprendere la strada dello sviluppo, ma la semplificazione politica a volte prende il sopravvento sul buon senso.
Al posto di chiedere maggiore regolazione, i politici devono impegnarsi seriamente per rilanciare il Doha Round e dare slancio al commercio estero, perché solo in questo modo si immette fiducia nel mercato e si evita di cadere nella temuta depressione.
Maggiore trasparenza, come richiesto dal Governatore della Banca d’Italia, Mario Draghi, is essential so that there are no informational asymmetries, but instead should be greater regulation in the opposite direction.
Fewer rules, but more transparency.
fewer barriers to trade and more economic development.
Two simple recipes in place of the formidable pairing loser "protectionism-nationalism."
Saturday, January 31, 2009
On Arrival Of A New Baby, Messages
Commonplace the contrary is a pretty funny blog, whose mission is explicit from the title. The secret lies in the fact that often contain more truth against the clichés originate. This post today I think an excellent example: The policy is
the continuation of war by other means.I really like this too:
If you vote, then you have no right to complain. Whatplatitudes to the contrary come to mind to readers of liberalization?
Friday, January 30, 2009
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we wonder why good ideas do not give birth to freedom, but bans. It is undoubtedly a good idea to repopulate the town centers with shops and restaurants that spread the local products. But realize it's silly to think of expelling from the alleys kebabs and spring rolls. [...] The best way to limit the kebab is not prohibited, but liberalization gli esercizi pubblici, così da mettere i nostri ragazzi in condizione di aprire i loro spacci di porchetta, cotoletta, pane e salame e bagnacauda.[HT: Altri mondi ]
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Welcome Letter Wedding Sample
Potrebbe essere un po' fuori tema parlare qui del recente sgombero del centro sociale Cox 18, meglio noto come "il Conchetta". Dopo tutto, più che di liberalizzazioni , si tratta di una liberazione .
Ma è interessante prendere atto di un paio di reazioni degli sfrattati. Marysa Moroni, figlia di Primo, ha espresso preoccupazione per la sorte dell'archivio del padre, «proprietà privata mia e di mia madre» . I più arditi tra gli occupants, however, are saying even - in defiance of common sense, besides the code - the recognition of the future adverse possession of the building.
There really is very surreal doublethink of these gentlemen, who demand protection bourgeois institution par excellence, the right to property, not only postulated for decades after abolition, but after having walked with the beautifully ' employment.
Those who scream, as some thugs armed with keffiyeh on Facebook, "riappropriamoci of our space, our rights, because we do not want a Milan only made of gray buildings and premises expensive," should explain (a) what were in elementary school when they explained the possessive adjectives, and (b) if they ever thought about the innovative solution of renting space instead of requisitioned by force.
Unfortunately, it is still valid, the old adage: "what's mine is mine ...».
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Things To Write Wedding Card
The political solution found, as repeatedly pointed out, was to rescue banks through recapitalization also public rendendo il fallimento un’opzione non possibile e garantendo impunità alle gestioni fallimentari.
Se il 2008 è stato l’anno della crisi finanziaria, il 2009 quasi certamente sarà l’anno della recessione dell’economia. Gli indicatori mostrano che l’ultimo trimestre dell’anno è stato “pesantissimo” per tutte le economie, con tassi di decrescita del prodotto Interno Lordo che potrebbero toccare anche punte del – 5 per cento; inoltre l’anno appena cominciato non promette nulla di buono. Nel complesso la Commissione Europea prevede un PIL in diminuzione del 2 per cento in Europa.
La soluzione di molti Governi è stata quella di fare politiche di deficit spending, causing holes in state budget that could reach 10 percent in many Western countries. Germany, a country leading the European Union, may close with a deficit below the 3 per cent, despite "the aid promised by Angela Merkel.
Britain, one of the countries hardest hit by the crisis, however, should close with a gap of almost nine percentage points, the "advantage" of the United Kingdom is not to be part of the Euro and can then use the devaluation of the its currency as an additional weapon in response to the crisis. However, as shown by Italy, competitive devaluation is not a good weapon because it does not allows companies to restructure in times of crisis and medium term there is a real risk that this weapon becomes a "double-edged sword."
If Germany is relatively frugal in deficit spending, other European Union countries do not have the same attitude.
It is no coincidence that the crisis is leading to very high ten-year bond spreads to countries such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal and even Italy itself, which is suffering from too much debt.
If 2009 was a difficult year in the European Union, the major problems could arise rather than by the economy has grown in recent decades, China.
In Asian countries, after economic liberalization in 1978 desired by Deng Xiao Ping, economic growth has been almost continuous for about 30 years, raising tens of millions out of poverty in China. In the last quarter of 2008, the Asian giant has seen a slowdown of GDP to 6.8 percent, a figure so striking to the Western economies, for China is actually a very worrying figure. Now, China needs an economic growth continues to satisfy the millions of people from the countryside who go to seek work in cities, but if growth stops, there is the risk of serious problems, not only for the Chinese, but throughout the world.
The yearly growth rate was more than 9 percent in 2008, but 2009 could be the year of Chinese brake, with GDP, which may stop.
Other indicators are troubling coming from Asia, Japanese exports fell badly in the last quarter, South Korea is entering into the Asian recession and the picture is very bleak. China, which trade more with partners in the area of \u200b\u200bthe recession certainly affected neighboring countries.
The last economic slowdown in China occurred after 10 years of continuous growth and coincided with the first organized protest culminated in the tragic events in Tiananmen Square. Some studies indicate that there is some correlazione tra libertà economica e libertà civile, ma questa correlazione diventa presente ed evidente solo nel momento in cui si evidenzia una crisi economica.
Il 2009 forse vedrà finalmente l’aumento delle libertà civili in Cina, ma c’è il concreto rischio di una forte instabilità nel paese asiatico che potrebbe portare a delle conseguenze molto gravi.
Cosa si può fare? In questo periodo di crisi e di contrazione dell’export è necessario abbassare tutti i dazi doganali e le barriere esistenti nel commercio internazionale. Solo in questo modo si può sperare che le esportazioni possano riprendersi il più velocemente possibile. Alzare le protezioni potrebbe aggravare maggiormente la crisi and remember that in the '30s, the Great Depression was worsened by rising trade barriers and the conclusion was a terrible world war.
The next meeting of the G8 must provide the impetus for the resumption of the Doha Round is to liberalize international trade rather than impose another over-regulation.
See if Barack Obama, seen from Europe, will be able to provide the promised change and necessary.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Blueprints For Offroad Buggys
, stated the 2009 Index of Economic Freedom, compiled by the Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal in collaboration con una rete di think tank tra cui, in Italia, l'Istituto Bruno Leoni. Qui il comunicato IBL, qui la scheda relativa all'Italia, qui il testo integrale dell'Index.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Paddle Boat For Sale Maryland
Il presidente eletto degli Stati Uniti, Barack Obama, porterà la rinascita delle libertà in America? Bé, a giudicare dalle sue promesse (o minacce) di "green deal" e piani quinquennali, proprio no. Ma c'è almeno un punto su cui il nuovo inquilino della Casa Bianca potrebbe, quantomeno simbolicamente, ingranare una doverosa retromarcia: il fumo. Obama, che nelle sue abitudini personali è senza dubbio un "salutista", è anche un fumatore moderato ma convinto, da tre eight cigarettes a day. Will be able to live with the obscurantist rule that bans smoking in all public areas of the White House, including the Oval Office? As I wrote in the nineteenth century yesterday, is to be hoped not. Also because the rule, intended by the Hillary Clinton who, as first lady, had to be compared with many other cigars, it's really stupid and uncivilized, as well as unnecessary. It 's just the culmination of a moralistic crusade, so who is higher up to give the alleged good example. If Obama is able to break this circle prohibitionist in the U.S. will bring a "change" really important. It would be a great gift to leaders of the International Cohalition Against Prohibition, a group of civil liberties organizations have organized a great event in Brussels on 27-28 January at the European Parliament, to say no to the new prohibition. This is an important event that would be useful to participate, to send a message to those who, from Brussels and the capitals of the Member States of the EU, decided to worry about our business. The message is simple: let your affairs.